Chapter 6

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It takes time but Atsumu adjusts to his new life without his brother's constant companionship. He does his job and he makes new friends among the agents. He does well on the Jackals team. He shows that he's earned his place among the elites. He visits Osamu three times a year if he's lucky, but The Voice gets the rules to lighten up enough to allow him to call twice a week instead of once a month. Atsumu thinks that The Voice has always been fond of his brother.

His list of missions and covers is always growing, he spends most of his time out in the field now. There's very little time for him to rest, but he gets his chance once every three months. After a brutal two weeks of traveling across the world the check in on undercover agents, he arrives at a hotel in Russia. This is where he is now, sprawled across the bed in just his boxers with a Switch in his hands. He sticks his tongue out as he concentrates on the game on his screen.

"Should we get room service?" Kiyoomi asks as he steps out of the bathroom, drying his hair carefully with a towel. Atsumu pauses the game and rolls over to look at him.

"You said it upset your stomach last time. I brought those noodles you said you wanted last time."

"We can make those today then. Go shower and I'll boil the water," Kiyoomi says as he fastens the buttons of his shirt. Atsumu rolls off the bed and stands as close to Kiyoomi as he can without touching him.

"You could come shower with me," He teases. Kiyoomi makes a disgusted face and takes a few steps back. Atsumu doesn't take it personally, he's pretty sure there's a little bit of fondness in the other man's gaze.

"Don't talk to me til you're no longer gross and sweaty," Kiyoomi grumbles before hurrying out of the bedroom.

"It's your fault!" Atsumu yells after him. He can't see Kiyoomi in the other room but he's pretty sure he's being flipped off.

Atsumu takes his shower as quickly as he can while also being sure to wash thoroughly. Though their time together is limited to four short visits every year he's been able to learn a lot about Kiyoomi. He's learned that Kiyoomi is particular about the cleanliness of things. He says that it wasn't always this bad but while he's undercover he has so little say in the kind of environments he has to be in so when he gets to have a bit of a break he likes things to be exactly as he wants them. Atsumu also learned that like himself Kiyoomi used to play volleyball in school. He wonders if they had met at some point during that time but he can't really remember. Kiyoomi had attended the national youth training camps that Atsumu had been invited to participate in but Fukurodani hadn't cleared the travel. They didn't have anyone inside the training facility that could offer him protection if his identity had been discovered for any reason.

He wonders if things would have been different if he'd met Kiyoomi then. Would they have liked each other as teenagers? Would they be able to have a real relationship instead of just sleeping together every few months? Would they have both ended up at Fukurodani?

When he leaves the bathroom Atsumu finds Kiyoomi in the small kitchenette, his gaze focused on the water boiling on the hot plate. Atsumu leans against the back of the couch and watches him, there's just something about the dark-haired man that draws Atsumu in. He wants to be near him, wants to touch him constantly. It's a bit of a distraction at times but he knows that it's not allowed. He's not supposed to have feelings. Kiyoomi had been clear about it at the start of their arrangement. Kiyoomi doesn't like it when Atsumu hangs on him too much.

"Come taste," Kiyoomi says with a quick glance over his shoulder. Atsumu stands up straight and goes over, he thinks for just a moment about wrapping his arms around Kiyoomi but figures it would be better not to piss him off too much on their first night together. He grabs a clean pair of chopsticks and uses them to have a taste of the noodles.

The Reckless & The Brave Book 3: Casual Affair [SakuAtsu]Where stories live. Discover now