Chapter 15

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He looks deep into my eyes and in a barely audible voice says, "Trust me?" I’m instantly reminded of the last time he asked me that question. My ears start to burn, and I look away, feeling incredibly embarrassed over our shameless behavior the last time we were together. He turns my chin back toward him, looking at me questioningly. His stare mesmerizes me. Of course I trust him. I nod once, and he smiles. He looks around at the others. When he’s confident they’re too busy to notice us, he leans in closely and very lightly kisses my ear, sending chills bumps down the entire left side of my body. It’s so subtle that no one else suspects anything, and I shiver slightly. He grins and mutters under his breath, "This is too easy."

I jab him with my elbow trying not to do anything overtly obvious that would cause any attention to be drawn our way. He chuckles and casually drops his arm from my shoulder, running his hand slowly down my back then into the waistband of my swimsuit. His hand caresses my bare butt, and I try my best not to react, until he squeezes slightly. I inhale sharply and jump. Liam notices and looks over at me.

"You okay, Elle?" he asks, and I nod quickly…a little too quickly.

"Just a bit chilly," I respond hoarsely, rubbing my arms.

Liam chuckles, "Oh, soon the liquor will warm you up." He returns to his paper, turning to the next page where he resumes "reading." He actually seems to be comprehending the foreign words, and I store that thought away, so I can ask him about it later…when my thoughts are on things less sexual in nature.

The others remain busy and unconcerned about us. Louis’ eyes are intently on them, making him seem genuinely interested in what they’re doing. I am quite impressed that he’s such a good actor. His face reveals absolutely nothing about what his hand is doing inside my swimsuit. I’m not nearly as good at this alter ego thing, but I try to keep my face as expression-less as his, so no one catches on. Louis knows exactly what he’s doing. By getting me all worked up, he is quickly making my anxiety over the alcohol fade away.

Whenever I’m with Louis, there's always something spontaneous and different happening. I never know what to expect from him, and that's an incredible turn-on. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to play his little game much longer. He is making my brain and my hormones go crazy. I press my lips tightly together and glance sharply at him. He’s looking intently at me, gauging my reaction. I raise my eyebrows and sort of shake my head. It’s a half-hearted attempt at best to get him to stop this ridiculousness. He winks me, licking his lips. Oh those perfect lips… I take a deep breath. As if I needed a reminder, he goes back to caressing my butt. I tighten my arms around my body and try to focus on regulating my breathing. I squeeze my eyes tightly closed, trying to regain some control. It feels like bolts of electricity shooting through his fingertips into my body, and I can’t seem to keep still.

"Holy crap, Louis" I hiss quietly at him and grab his arm. "This is cruel and you know it."

Louis chuckles softly and mercifully slips his hand out of my swimsuit, placing it again over my shoulder. How many times is he going to take just to the edge?

"Damn," I complain under my breath in frustration.

"Later, love" he whispers. "I promise you that."

I look at the floor and mumble, "Promises, promises.,," then I move out from under his arm and walk to the table where everyone else is gathered. I need to divert my attention away from Louis.

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