Chapter 32

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     The room is completely silent except for our labored breathing, and it's at that moment in time,  I realize that Harry was absolutely right. What just happened is what pushes sex to an entirely different experience. When it's wrong, you know it. But, when it's right, it's very, very right. Your bodies take over for your brains and instinctively make it happen, allowing you to just feel rather than think.  I could have sex with a thousand people, but I'm certain I could only experience this nirvana with Harry. This time with him could only happen once in a lifetime. And to think, I almost missed out by letting fear and anger control me. These rare moments of perfection are gifted to many have I unknowingly thrown away and lost forever? Well, not anymore. I can't get yesterday back, but I can make tomorrow so much better.

     "What time do we have to meet Santo?" he mumbles, sleepily.

     "It's Santiago," I correct him with a chuckle, "10:00." I lean over to look at the clock. "Crap, Harry," I say, throwing off the covers and flipping on the lamp. "We've got to get moving. It's 9:52."

     He grabs for my arm but misses and falls onto his stomach with a huff. "We've still got 8 minutes," he grumbles. "Besides, we could just stay in bed all day. I like that idea much better."

     "Harry," I warn him. "We may never make it back to this country again. We don't need to throw this opportunity away."  Harry grunts, obviously not feeling it.  I take a pillow and pop him over the head with it.

    "Hell," Harry complains, sitting up.

     "You've got 5 minutes. I'm going to my room to get ready quickly, then I'll be back here to get you. Be ready." I warn as I run out.

     We rush into the lobby at 10:04, which is actually a miracle considering the circumstances. Harry is sipping some tea, so he's in a better mood. I look around and see only 1 other person in the lobby. He looks like a teenager, and I begin to worry that we may have missed Santiago. But as we walk toward him, the kid stands up and extends his hand toward us. He seems very friendly and excited. I'm just surprised he's so young. My guess is he's no more than 19 or 20. I was expecting an older, even elderly person, but I'm sure he knows his stuff or he wouldn't have been recommeded.

     "I am Santiago," he says with a smile, grabbing my hand to shake it. His accent is very thick, but he seems to have at least some knowledge of the English language. "I'm Elle," I say, returning his smile and shaking his hand. "This is Harry." Harry smiles respectfully and offers his hand to Santiago. "Harry," he says introducing himself. "Thanks for taking us around."

     Santiago smiles and briefly shakes Harry's hand, then quickly returns his attention to me. This is getting a little awkward to say the least. The boys usually get all the attention. I'm not used to any being directed at me, and I'm not sure how to best handle it.

     "Someone's got a crush," Harry chuckles into my ear.  I shoot an embarrassed glare at him, but he just continues chuckling as he walks off toward a garbage can to throw away his cup.

     Santiago offers his arm to me, "I have the van ready." I can't think of a way to refuse him without being rude, so I take his arm and walk with him toward the van. Harry follows us, still laughing to himself. Santiago walks me over to the front passenger seat and opens the door for me to get in. Harry has no other option, so he climbs in the seat behind Santiago. As Santiago closes my door, Harry leans toward me. "Awww. It's so sweet. I'm surprised he didn't buckle you in."

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