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"Do you have to be unnecessarily sluggish in doing things at all times?" Patricia yelled at Ariel.

Ariel flinched and almost dropped the box containing glass cups in her hands, she had been working tirelessly all day and all her mother did was complain and yell at her, after agreeing to move with them, her mother had sneered and acted like she didn't care, they successfully moved and we're currently unpacking their things at the new house.

Her older siblings didn't show up and only Debby cared to stay with them, all through the journey, Patricia kept reminding her of how she would have lost a great opportunity because if her selfishness, Debby he helped her in ignoring her mother and she cares less, now the living room was almost done and she was unpacking the boxes that had the label 'kitchen stuff's on them.

Though she was tired, she knew better than anyone not to argue with her mom who had been lingering around all day, yelling orders, ordering for pizza and chewing loudly while complaining about everything! Her father had gone to the office to report to duty hence he wasn't home to help, she knew arguing and pointing out these mistakes would only earn her more nagging and complaints from her mother so she kept her peace.

"Are you deaf or simply blind? I said to be faster in doing the work and don't you dare mishandle my things, it one of them breaks I'll have you pay for that, you hear me?" Patricia yelled angrily.

"Of course Mom." Ariel said calmly and rolled her eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me you little brat!"

"Mom, let it slide." Debby pleaded.

Patricia scoffed and held her peace, few minutes later she bathed into Ariel's supposedly room where she was now unpacking her own stuffs and resumed her yelling.

"Can't you be a bit more faster?" Patricia asked.

Ariel sighed resignedly, her mother was out to piss her off.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'll be faster." Ariel promised.

"You better be because I won't condole any form of laziness or inactivity from you, you get that?"

"Of course I do mom."

Ariel gave a weak smile, she knew she had to agree with her mom to avoid getting into a fight with her, she was tired already, it would suicidal to piss her mom off, Debby walked into the room looking tired and pale as a ghost, Ariel gasped at the sight of her sister, she knew she was badly stressed out, the poor girl had been walking equally hard ever since they got there

Debby crashes on the bed and groaned loudly, she felt her bone was been crushed into a hundred pieces.

"Debby darling, what's wrong with you?" Patricia asked affectionately.

Debby sighed tiredly, she forced herself to sit up on the bed so as to not make her mother get worried about her, Patricia went closet to her to Pat her back but she was shocked to discover some dark circles under her eyes and her eye bags were swollen, she immediately began to touch them in order to get the situation under control.

"Debby darling, you look horrible, what's wrong with you? Are you fine? Are you feeling sick? Mommy is here for you, tell me, what's wrong?"  Patricia asked worriedly.

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