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Natalie Hansen was sedated for the last time, before the Ripper will take from her what he really needs. Yes. A spine. A healthy, perfectly curved spine. After all, the man who thinks (Homo sapiens) comes after the man who stands (Homo erectus), and everything will be superseded by the Homo sentiens.

AJ wished the Ripper had plucked her eyes out before she witnessed everything. She called out to the Ripper with a faked compassion, "I know why you're doing this..."

She continued, "I know you think you're doing the world a favour and you have no choice but to kill those people. I understand that... I know that you can't help it, but I can help you. Let me get you the help you need."

The Ripper ignored her attempts to relate with him, although he was too much of a narcissist to allow this.

Even the best surgeon would never manage without an assistant. In order to complete his procedure, the Ripper dragged in his next victim. A male housekeeper model android with chains around his hands and leg. The android struggled to escape, but the tranquilizer in his system hinders his movements.

There's a duct tape over his mouth and the Ripper said to him, "If I take this off, you will not scream."

He ripped the tape off. The android flinched. His eyes pleading. The Ripper positioned the android to be able to see what he has done to Natalie Hansen. He held the android's head to force open his eyes.

The Ripper's voice bellowed, "Look at her. She is so beautiful, but she's incomplete."

"She's dead and you're fucking insane!" AJ screamed from across the room. The aggravation seemed to irk the Ripper a little bit to distract him.

The Ripper continued speaking to the android, "She cannot live like this, but you can help me help her."

"Please... Just let me go..." The android begged.

The artificial-coloured skin delaminated away from his hands to reveal his bone white mechanical skin. When the Ripper touches the android's face, the surface he touched turns his outer skin white. The androids screamed in pain.

Something under their skins created a blue hue, and the glow pulsed throughout their bodies like a travelling frequency of some sort. AJ felt her heart drop to her stomach as the Ripper turned the android into a deviant, simply by the touch of his hands.

"How do you feel, son?" asked the Ripper.

The android's eyes gleamed blue in contrast to his dark skin. Glistening in monomaniac thoughts. He smiled, "Never better."

"Come, let's sanitize those hands and get you in scrubs." The Ripper gestured.

The fear is now released from the android's mind. He understands now his purpose. It was not to become another victim lying dead on the steel operating table. His purpose was to free Natalie Hansen from the pain of living.

Alone in the room, AJ had only realized what she has gotten herself into. At the same time, if she hadn't involved her own selfish ardour, Natalie would be entirely helpless. Now, it's up to AJ to save the girl's life.

When the Ripper and his assistant returned, they were dressed in operating room attires. Except, this was not an operating room. It was a death chamber.

"Hey! What did you want from her? Huh?" AJ called. "What is it? Her heart? Her lungs? Whatever it is, I got the same thing that she got. Maybe even better, maybe even healthier!"

The Ripper did his best to not react, while he prepped his patient.

"You're a doctor, you can see that. She's dehydrated, underweight, and overworked. Me, however, I'm the opposite of that!" She continued.

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