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The Ripper decided he had no more use of Natalie Hansen after he has finished draining all of her red blood. For research purposes, of course. In the process of scientific research, sometimes errors happen and the Ripper forgives himself by making up for it.

"The truck is out back, drive to the nearest lake," instructed the Ripper. "Weigh her body down. There's a bucket of concrete in the trunk."

The android turned deviant would nod. He picked up Natalie Hansen's body over his shoulder and followed through with the disposal process.

"Hey, stop... where... where the hell are you taking her..." AJ's stream of consciousness kept fading and fading. All of her limbs were strapped shut to the operating table. The sedatives in her system worked to keep her dazed and powerless.

There are two 16-gauge needles inside each of her arms. Her right arm secretes red blood, while her left arm introduced her system with blue blood. Part of the Ripper's "work of art" was circulating Thirium in human bodies as a wretched way to "perfect" them.

"Detective Whitley, try to keep yourself awake," said Connor, tied down to the corner of the death chamber. "We'll get out of here soon."

"Connor? Is... Is that you?" Her vision was blurred, but somehow, she just knew.

The Ripper did not fear the approaching enemies. No matter what, his work will be completed. He has stripped Connor of his uniform, badge, and weapon. He's chained securely to a steel column and he was positioned to see.

"She has such beautiful skin," said the Ripper. Caressing the skin over her spines. Then, turned to Connor who is now awake for the show to commend, "Don't you think so?"

Connor kept his calm, while his fingers worked tirelessly to loosen his chains behind his back. He decided that provoking the Ripper would buy him time.

He shouted, "They're coming for you! Once they do, you know what they're going to do to guys like you. They'll destroy you."

"Connor, don't..." AJ allowed feeble whimpers slip out of her mouth.

The Ripper was not shaken in the slightest bit. He chuckled, "Ah, sweet release of death. I have always longed to discover what comes after. Don't you?"

Connor replied, "Unlike you, I am an asset to the people around me. It doesn't matter what you do to me, they will revive me in the end, but I can't say the same for you."

"You don't mean to tell me you've never died?" The Ripper asked in a condescending tone.

"Dying is not registered as a part of my recollection." He returned.

AJ is now seeing double from the increasing level of Thirium in her system, "He's just tricking you..."

"Not even inside?" The Ripper mocked. He has successfully made Connor question himself.

The Ripper took large, gentle steps towards his next victim. Connor might be the most expensive android yet that he's about to disassemble for his grand masterpiece. He said, "Fair enough. I'll show you what it's like to remember."

AJ used up the rest of the power she could gather to say, "Connor... don't... let him... touch you..."

To the surprise of the Ripper, Connor managed to loosen his chains. He jumped to tackle the suspect. The two contestants wrestled and rolled on the ground for dominance. Connor managed to deliver a few punches that bled him. He used his chain to wrap around the Ripper's neck and attempted to snap his nervous central to kill him, but the Ripper puts up as much fight as his opponent.

The Ripper continued to taunt, "Go ahead... I'm dying to know..."

AJ was starting to drift in and out of the darkness, but she could still see her arm where the Thirium is being injected. She wiggled and wormed her arm out of the leather strap. The clamminess from her sweating skin makes it easier for her to do this.

The dynamic of the fight had just switched. The Ripper repeatedly hammered Connor's face against the steel columns and the concrete floor. He found a chance and slammed Connor against one of the metal walls. Blue blood drew from Connor's lip.

The Ripper found this to be enjoyable, "It hurts, doesn't it? Are you remembering it now?"

Between the leather strap, AJ pushed and pull until the needle exited her skin. She forced herself to not moan in pain. Thirium dripped onto the floor, staining the concrete blue. Next, she struggled to move her other arm.

Connor gained back his control. He's wrapped his arms around the Ripper's neck and swore this time he was going to break it, but the Ripper touched his skin. He looked into the eyes of the devil as something changed inside him. Like lightning struck, he remembered.

All the memories, the screams, the smiles, the explosions were returned like treasures locked inside a box. Yet all Connor could see was the violence. The faces of all the seven victims of the Blueblood Ripper. He remembered their faces, their smells, the horror of their pleading as their lives flashed before they were butchered.

AJ attempted to stand on her own two feet. As shaky as they were, she managed to prop herself up against one of the steel columns. There was a large electric heater on the opposite side of the room, she ambled towards it.

She ripped open the metal casing that covers the heated tube steels inside of the machine. She hesitated, at first. This was going to be more painful than the graze of a bullet. She backed herself against the burning temperature. Her skin on her lower back sizzled to the touch. She let out an agonizing scream.

Connor fell against the wall. Everything he thought he had forgotten, now buried under an illusion of brutality and disorder. He had no choice but to do the Ripper's bidding.

He can't say he was surprised, but she was the first one to threaten to hurt herself and this got his attention. He stood over her body on the ground. The blistering of her skin bothered his sophistry. He said, "Well, that's going to leave a scar."

"Fuck... you..." AJ was still gasping for air when the new Connor emerged from behind the steel column. His eyes neon blue, like it has never been before.

She felt another sharp pain in her neck. The last injection that puts her to sleep once again. Holding the syringe, Connor asked the Ripper, "Do you still want to do this?"

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