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i guess today is the day i have to tell everybody.

the only people who know about my pregnancy are me and my mom. i'm so scared to tell my friends because i don't know how they would react.

i don't really have a bump yet since i'm only one month along. i get out of bed, take a shower and get ready. i put on some jeans and a white crop top. nothing to fancy. i say goodbye to my parents and drive to school. i'm so scared to tell my dad because he is VERY overprotective. 

as soon as i walk into school i try and look for mattia. i walk over to his locker and see him making out with a random girl. gross. i say his name and he stops kissing her and rolls his eyes.

"what do you want melanie, don't you see i'm busy?" mattia says in an irritated voice

"i need to talk to you" i say very annoyed. "say it then" mattia mumbled.

"in private" i whisper yell so nobody would think anything of it. he tells the girl he'll be back and we walk to the stairs where there was nobody in sight.

"what do you have to tell me?" he ask in a very rude tone

i take a deep breath and sigh. "i'm pregnant" the words flew out of my mouth very quickly. i turned my head and looked into my lap so i didn't have to see his reaction. before saying anything he grabs my chin very lightly and pulls my head so i can look at him. he hugs me and smiles.

"i've always wanted to have a child" he says very quietly. i'm very surprised because i thought he would've said he wasn't gonna be in the baby's life or even question if it was his. i look at him in shock, i can't help but smile. without saying anything i hugged him back and left to go to first period.

me and nikki have first together so that's when i'm going to tell her. i walk into class and find my regular spot next to nikki. "hey girl" nikki basically yells as i sit in the seat beside her. "hey" i say very quietly. she looks at me with a confused face

"what's wrong" nikki asked very confused. "i'm pregnant" i spit out without even thinking. her eyes widen and she hugs me and jumps out of her seat to dance. i look up at her like she's crazy and she repeats "i'm gonna be an auntie" i laugh and tell her to sit down. she calmed down and eventually the bell rang and our teacher walked in. we did our work and soon class was over.

we do the same thing in our next three classes and now it's lunch time. me and nikkis friends are waiting at the table for us. natalie, adriana, valerie and chloe. our other bestfriends. me and nikki are the closest, obviously but i'm still really close with the other girls. i sit down and immediately say "i'm pregnant" all of their jaws dropped as soon as i said that. they all smiled and started clapping. i was shocked but happy at the same time.

soon, school ended and i had to face my father. i am very scared for what he is going to say. i hope he isn't mad. i arrive home and walk in the door. i see my father in the living room watching tv. i take a deep breath and walk over to him.

"hey dad" i mumble. he looks at me and says "hey sweetheart, how was school?" in a very cheerful voice. "it was good but, i have something to tell you. promise me you won't get mad" i say in an almost whisper voice. "what did you do now" he says while rolling his eyes. i sigh and tell him i'm pregnant. he looks at me and gets up very quickly without saying a word. I'm very scared because i don't know what he's going to do next. instead of yelling at me, he smiles and gives me a big hug. i am taken back by this action but i hug him back and smile. after we're done having our conversation my mom comes home and ask us what we want for dinner. she notices me and my dad hugging and asks what's wrong. we tell her what we were just talking about and she joins in on our hug.

after finishing talking to my parents, my mom tells me to invite mattia over for dinner so they can get to know their grandchild's father. i text him on instagram since i don't have his number.

instagram dms

melanie.rodriguez: hey mattia, i told my parents about the pregnancy and they are very supportive!

mattiapolibio: oh, i havent told my parents yet

melanie.rodriguez: oh lol. my parents asked if you wanted to come over for dinner today?

mattiapolibio: yeah that sounds good

melanie.rodriguez: okay, see you at 5
seen 3:15

knowing that mattia was coming over made me really nervous. what if he changed his mind and said he didn't want to be in the baby's life? what if he is disrespectful? i guess we'll see when he gets here.

i decide i have to look good since this is the first time we're actually having dinner together. i put on a white bodycon dress with some sandals. i didn't put any makeup on since i'm just going downstairs. i look at the time and see it's 4:30 so i put my hair in a ponytail and went downstairs to help my mom set up for dinner. by the time we were done it was 5:10 and we sat waiting for mattia. it was 5:15 once the doorbell rang. i went to go open the door to reveal mattia in a button up shirt and nice dress pants. i hug him and lead him to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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