Part 1

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It was the first day of sophomore year and Deena wasnt entirely joyed to go back. Sure shed get back to doing band and seeing people other than her brother but still. She was still known as the school's lesbo since she got caught making out with one of the school's nerdiest girls. She wasnt happy that she got caught because now everyone hates her besides her best friends Kate and Simon. All three of them have known each other since 5th grade and theyve been good friends since then. She knew practically all the school's drama since Kate was the head of everything but was well known for being head of the cheerleading team. She mostly knew all the cheerleaders and she didnt find them any good to actually kiss or anything.

Deenas POV

I walked into school and headed straight to my locker which never changed. I met up with Kate and headed straight to chemistry which was my favorite class. I hurried into the classroom to hear all the kids yelling. "Welcome class please settle down and get out a piece of paper and a pencil we will be writing some notes in." The teacher yelled loud enough to shut the other kids up. We were about 5 minutes into class when a dirty blonde girl came running through the door. "And you are?"The teacher asked the out of breath girl. "Im Sam, Im sorry Im late though." Sam said looking nervous now. "You can sit next to Deena and she'll tell you what were doing." The teacher said in a low tone. Sam came over to me and sat down and she was still breathing heavily. "Are you always this out of breath?" I whispered and chuckled. "No, I'm just new and dont know where things are." Sam said with her cheeks getting all red. I just chuckled and told her what we were doing. Class ended and I saw Simon and Kate standing by one of the windows when I walked out. "Hey assholes." I practically yelled at them. "Hey ladykiller." Kate responded. I was about to start walking when I overheard some of the football guys. "Hey new girl, what do you say to me and you after school with yours and my pants off." Peter said. "I- uhm really dont feel like that would be good." Sam said, sort of stuttering. "Yeah well I think differently." Peter said, starting to grab her. I walked over and tapped his shoulder. "Hey Peter, eat this." I said as I punched him across his face. He tripped over and fell and I grabbed Sams arm and took her away from the scene. "Im sorry about him, he's one of the jocks who will treat you badly." I said sitting across from Sam. "Not your fault but thanks for saving me." Sam said smiling. "Hey ladykiller, I saw what happened, great punch by the way." Kate said to me as she sat down. "Oh thanks, this is Sam, she's new." I said pointing to Sam. "Hi. Kate, right?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow. "The one and only." Kate said with a smile. The three of us talked for a few minutes before I directed Sam to her next class and then proceeded to mine. It was almost the end of the day and I was on my way to the locker room to change for band practice. "Sorry to bother you again but where is the locker room I was planning on trying out for cheer?" Sam asked in a small voice. "Im heading to the locker room too, just follow me." I said. "You dont seem like the kind of girl to do cheer." Sam said following me. "Im not trying out for anything, Im in band and I have practice." I said in an annoyed tone. We kept walking in silence when we reached the locker room. I headed straight for my locker and got my uniform out. Sam was standing around wondering what to do. "You know in a locker room you change, not just stand around." I said in a joking manner. "I know Im just nervous, I dont know." Sam said moving closer to me. "I wont look at you, you're fine." I said, giving her a smile. I started taking my shirt off and putting the under shirt on but could feel Sams eyes staring at me and my neck was burning up about it. I put the shirt on and I could see Sam turn away very fast. I put on my band jacket then quickly put my band pants on. I was about to walk out and let her get changed but she asked me to stay with her. I took secret glances at her while she wasnt looking and she had abs. FUCKING ABS. She finally got dressed and we headed outside. I went towards the band kids while she went towards Kate and the rest of the girls. I was practicing some parts of our music on my drum for the hour that we had to practice. An hour had passed and I went back to the locker room to overhear the whispers of the cheerleaders. I knew they were talking about me because it was kind of obvious. They were talking about how I saved Sam from Peter. Before I knew it 3 of the girls were cornering me. "Aww you just want her for yourself dont you?" Sheila said, walking closer to me. "Yeah you just want someone to love you but you know noone wants you." One of the other girls said. "No one will ever want you and besides theyll probably leave you like your mom did." The other girl said. I pushed Sheila away from me and was ready to fight. "Go the fuck away Sheila this is why you cant get a boyfriend." Kate said, walking closer to Sheila. Sheila walked away faster than I thought she could. "What are they talking about you wanting me for yourself?"Sam asked. "Uhm, they meant nothing by it." I said nervously. "Deenas a lesbain thats what they meant." Kate said to Sam. "Oh uhm okay."Sam said kind of weirded out now.

Sams POV

"Oh uhm okay." I said, kind of uncomfortable now. "Whatever." Deena said, grabbing her things and storming out of the locker room. "Dont tell me your homophobic." Kate said with anger. "What no thats not what I meant I just-" but I was cut off. "Just stay away from her if that's what you're trying to pull." Kate said walking away. I was left alone and then realized I dont have a ride so I quickly put my clothes on and ran out the door. I saw Kate and Deena talking and got the courage to ask if shed drive me home. "Hey Im sorry but could you possibly drive me home? I dont have a ride." I asked hoping shed say yes. "Fine I guess I can." Deena said in an angry tone. "Well Ill leave you two." Kate said walking away. We walked to her car and she got it and opened the door from the inside. "The handle doesnt work from the outside." She said starting the car. It was really silent and kind of awkward. "What street do you live on?" Deena asked. "Feir street." I answer quickly. She nodded and grabbed some bag from the back and pulled a tape out and put it on. She was beating her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat on the song. I had never heard this song but it sounded cool. I felt bad for giving the impression that I was homophobic. I wasnt but I had to act that way so my mom didnt get mad at me. "Ive never heard this song before but it sounds great." I said keeping my eyes out the windshield. "You've never heard of the pixies?" Deena asked with a raised eyebrow. "No I havent." I said looking down. "Thats just sad, Ive been listening to them since I was 8." Deena said smiling. "That seems nice I guess." I said fidgeting with my hands. "I might just give some of the tapes to you so that you can listen." Deena said like an offer. "That'd be nice." I said, focusing on the road in front of me. We sat in silence for a few more minutes. "This is me." I said pointing to the grey house. "Lucky me were neighbors." Deena said, rolling her eyes. Deena pulled into her driveway and pulled the tape of the radio. She pulled the bag back out of the back floor board and pulled some more tapes out. "Here take these and listen to them, bring them back to me when you're done though." Deena said, handing me the tapes. "Will do." I said, taking them. I got out of the car and walked to my house. "Hey Samantha, how was school?" My mom asked. "It was alright, nothing special." I said heading upstairs. I got to my room and closed the door and locked it hoping my mother didnt want anything. I pulled out my old tape recorder and put one of Deenas tapes in it. I listened to the song and just kind of slipped into my thoughts. I had to act a certain way around my mom so she didnt get suspicious of me. Before we moved I was with a girl at my old school and we agreed to keep it secret. I was about 15 while we were together. I remember going to her house one day and her parents werent home. We ended up having sex and well that was my first time. When I told her I was moving she wasnt very happy but she understood. After a few days my mom wouldnt shut up about the whole being gay and how its a disgrace shit. I just kept my mouth shut and went along with it but I dont know why I reacted the way I did when I found out Deena was a lesbian. I dont know why I was weirded out but I could definitely tell she was still a little scared of being herself with other people. I could tell she wasnt used to being open with people and I understand that. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts to hear my mom knocking on the door. I got up and unlocked the door then sat back down. "Come in." I practically yelled. "Samantha, no yelling." My mother told me. "Sorry, but what can I do for you?" I asked, looking at her. "I just wanted to see how you were, you just walked off." My mom said, standing in my doorway. "No, yeah Im fine, just had some homework to do." I said, grabbing my bag. "Well dinner will be ready in a few oh and by the way stay away from that girl you were with." My mom said, in a stern tone. "Why, she seem nice?" I asked. "I heard shes one of those d*kes that you see now." She said disgusted. "Mom, you cant say that its not right." I said, trying not to sound weird. "Why do you care Samantha its not like youre gay or anything." My mom said, rolling her eyes. "Yeah you're right Ill stay away." I said, admitting defeat. My mom left and I was left alone to think on how to not be scared of her because as it wasnt obvious Im a lesbian too. I however am not that open about it and would definitely date a boy just to hide myself. Thats what I did with my last girlfriend. We both had boyfriends but used being best friends as an excuse to be alone. It was weird going behind everyones back but it felt so good just to be the bad guy in secret.



ill try and upload new chapters every few days but I really hope yall enjoy :)

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