7: Telling the Whole Story part 1

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Telling Demtri could be a huge risk, buts thats what i do best. I love to take risks. So i will tell him mine and lisa's story, but i won't tell him about Andre. I he want to know about that he has to go ask Andre himself to tell that story.

i could tell that he really wanted to know, he has this glent is his eyes that tells it all. It's hard to see, but its there. And i could see it without a problem.

Once i grew up the courge i took a deep breath and slowly Began the story.

"I'm going to start where i left off telling the story in the other room, ok? Ok well about Half and hour after we got ont he plane to come here, i noticed that we were being followed, they the Academy Guardians were on the plane too. I could tell at that time that they where sent to kill us. When I made eye contact with them, they just glarded at us with so much hardness and hatred in their eyes. but It was nothing i counldn't handle. They had the Guardian Daggers, the Real ones." Demtri Gasp in shock and in suprize aswell.

The Guardian Daggers are the Daggers that where used to kill off the Mistrises and the Masters of the darkness. Little did they know that i am the Daughter of the very 1st Mistrises and Master to ever, have a child. Not knowing that got them killed, they just thought that they could kill me. Little did they know that i also have some Magical Powers and i am the current Mistrises of Darkness. My ppeople and i will take them down, for what they've dome to us. all in all they will all die, or i will die trying to kill them.



So what'd you guys think, i made up the thing with the dagger. It just sounded good, anyway i hope you all liked it.

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