Chapter Eleven

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I never thought I’d love the feeling of my feet touching a vertical surface as much as I did at the moment after climbing up. Hopefully we’d be able to walk out of the front doors, but I had a gut instinct that it was not going to happen. I didn’t tell Del that, she would have a retort ready for it, and that was something I was not in the mood to hear.

She walked over to the hatch at the top. “Stay behind me and don’t talk unless spoken to. Understand, Suzy?”

“Yeah.” I muttered, “Anything else? Want to tell me what we’re looking for?”

“No, not particularly.” She said, opening the hatch and peering down before descending the ladder attached to the ceiling of the room. Climbing down after her, I closed the hatch, letting shut with a bang. Del glared at me. “Lesson three: shut things quietly or we’re going to get caught and never make it out alive.”

I was about to tell her where she could stick her lessons, but before I could she snapped, “Don’t answer that.” And walked over to a stairwell, checking it before entering and heading downstairs. I followed, not quite sure what to do besides mimic Del’s quiet pace as she hurried down stairs and hallways filled with doors that had to lead to private offices.

We quickly passed an intersection, where three men in what I had to guess their early twenties were standing, chatting. The smell of coffee was radiating from their cups.

“See those guys?” Del whispered to me, pointing at the group. “They could head down the same way we’re going and spot us. You said you’re good at hand to hand combat?” she stopped, looking at me questioningly until I nodded. “Prove it.”

“But they don’t look like they’re going anywhere.” I argued, “What if someone else finds their bodies on the ground and sound an alarm or something?”

“We’ll be long gone by the time that happens. They’re the immediate danger, Suzy. Now are you going to actually show me what you can do or are you just going to stand there?”

I tensed and huffed, giving a glare at the men who still had not noticed us before slowly walking over them, looking around confused.

“Excuse me,” I started, walking up to the closest one. They had all turned, still smiling about whatever joke they had just finished. “I need to find-“ I continued but ceased to talk. Instead, right before I stopped walking I faced Guy #1, I springing up into the air and clipping him in the side of his head. He cried out and hit his head on the ground, and did not move afterwards.  Turning my attention to the other two, I advanced quickly to Guy #2, who was beginning to understand what was happening, if his eyes growing wider was any indication. I kicked his feet out from under him and grabbed his flailing hands, wrestling them behind his back and using the momentum against him by driving his head into the wall next to us. As soon as I let go of Guy #2, Guy #3 rammed into me, bull-dozing me into the wall and slamming his fist into my abdomen while shouting something along the lines of “WHAT THE HELL?” My breath left me and I doubled over for a moment before being ready again. Guy #3 swung again and I blocked his attack and slipped to his side, throwing an arm right in front of his neck and a leg in the opposite direction, hitting him from both sides and knocking him off his feet. He landed on his butt while I delivered an easy practiced kick to his head, knocking him out cold. I watched as he landed with a thump on one of his friends.

Waiting a moment before turning around to face Del, I caught my breath. “Happy?” I asked her, raising my eyebrows as I walked towards her.

"Good work, you're competent enough to take on a three year old" she smirked before turning towards the way we were heading and setting a quick pace down the hallway. Instinctively my hands curled into fists and I had to remind myself to breathe before catching up to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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