Chapter Three

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“See ya later, Hanahl!” One of my friends called out, a block behind me. I was making my way home after a long “study session” with a group of friends and a couple of strangers. The session ended up with us kicked out of the library, but hey: stuff happens.

After holding up my fist in the air, I shouldered my backpack and turned the corner, sticking near to the side of the three story buildings where the night lamps were on. I was listening to American Idiot by Green Day when I felt a tug on my backpack. Turning, I saw the bulk of a figure before I got pushed into one of the brick walls of the building.

My head hit the bricks, and my head swam as I regained my focus, vaguely making out the shape in black. Barely dodging a blow to my stomach, I leaned my upper-body against the wall and kicked upward, feeling my foot connect with the person’s chest.

“Oof!” The person huffed out in surprise, definitely male. He grabbed my foot and jerked it to the side, sending the rest of me with it. I wasted no time in jumping back up and running towards the man. Jumping, I tried to get a kick in his face, but at the last moment I saw something silver peek out of its container.

Just before I was able to connect with his face, the man held up the knife, slicing a long line in my leg. I still hit him, but the pain that came after caught me by surprise, and I dropped to the ground like a weight. My left leg was completely numb, blood was seeping through my jeans. This was definitely going to leave a scar. Shakily, I rose again onto my feet, but this time the man was ready for me. He rushed at me and using his forearm, pushed me on my back to the ground. With his other hand, he had the knife and slowly he brought it closer and closer to my neck.

“Please.” I strained against him, pleading. He smirked.

“You know how to fight, I’ll give you that.” he whispered before the cool metal touched my neck, The blood from my leg on the knife. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the man gloating as my final view.

“Omph!” The man above me cried out, and suddenly the pressure he was putting on my neck was gone and the knife slipped from his grip. Blinking once in surprise, I wasted no more time before picking up the knife and standing, watching the scene unfold around me. Another person had swooped in and tackled the man and now they were wrestling over who would win.

The new guy reached around in his back pocket, pulling out some black, hand held thing. At first, I thought it was a gun, but when he shot it, there wasn’t a sudden pool of blood. The man who attacked me went rigid, letting out an abnormal sound before the other guy got up and wiped his hands on his shirt, tucking what I now realize is a taser in the back of his belt.

“Uh, I could’ve handled that, thank you.” I glare, looking at the man. He wasn’t much older than me, with a golden brown hair color and most likely brown eyes. It was hard to tell in the dark.

He grinned, “Right. If it weren’t for me your head wouldn’t be attached to your body.” He tossed me a rag from a pocket or another part of his belt. “Put this on to stop the bleeding.”

I was hesitant to put myself in a vulnerable position with this guy, but he did save my life. Slowly, I set the knife down next to me while I wrapped my leg in the rag, careful to keep my eye on him. He came over and wiped my blood off the knife, and I stood up.

The Awkward and Terrifying Explosive Adventures of the Recreaze-Vallia FamilyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum