Chapter Eight

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Well, this was great. The secretary had found me trying to find my way out of this crazy place and led me to a waiting area, saying that the boss wants to talk to me once he’s done with this meeting, so I took to pacing. The waiting room looked very similar to my doctor’s office, which I’m not sure I should worry about or not. Then that girl with an attitude problem came flying in and bypassed the only person in the room, me. I paced faster, clenching and unclenching my fists. The secretary looked annoyed, but whatever. She’s the one that took me here in the first place. If I didn’t meet her, I could be long gone by now.

The girl with attitude came out faster than I thought, giving me another look. I gave her a scowl.  

“C’mon.” she told me. “We have work to do.”

“I have to talk to that boss guy before I go anywhere.” I told her, stopping my pacing. “I have to go home.”

She smirked, “This is your new home, Suzy. Now follow me. His orders.”

“That’s not even my name.” I complained, but I followed her thinking it was better than waiting for the boss who supposedly brought me here. I figured I had a better chance of leaving if I went with this girl. She was taller, with a scar under her right eye, which was brown like her wavy hair. “Now, who are you, what is this place, and why was there a freaking bloodbath?”

“One, I’m Del. That’s all you’ll get about me, so don’t try to ask for more details. Two, this is your family, Recreaze Vallia, and they don’t care if you live or not. Three, because the Halyix wanted what Recreaze Vallia family had.” Del turned the corner swiftly, walking faster knowing that I was going with her, but I almost had to jog to keep up.

“So why am I going with you?” I asked. “I have nothing to do with these people. I’ve never even heard of them.”

You are going with me because you are part of the deal.” Del replied, “Now shut up and let me take care of this guy.” A door was open, leading to the outside. We were about to cross on two guys on guard duty, one of them glaring at Del. She pushed past him and knocked him headfirst into the hill before strolling away. It made a weird metallic clang. The guard went down, and the other one put his hand on his gun, but I gave him a dirty look and he let us pass without trouble.

Now we were outside, surrounded by a forest and no visible roads that lead off and out of here. I turned, expecting to see a building or a hut, but it was just a hill, covered by trees at the top and to the sides.

Turning back, I spot Del regarding me “What’s your skillset?” I blinked, not expecting to hear any more out of her.


She sighed impatiently. “Your skillset, Suzy. What can you offer to benefit the family? It has to be something, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”

“I’m trained in multiple forms of martial arts and other combat styles. Why?” I gave her a sidelong look.  The two of us started out into the woods, seemingly heading into a random area, but I tried not to dwell on it. I managed to get side to side with her but was forced back due to the proximity of the trees and me not knowing which direction to go.

“Didn’t seem to help when you got that wound on your leg.” She ignored my question, and I was glad she couldn’t see me redden.

“I was surprised.” I defended, but got the feeling the taller girl didn’t care.

“Uh-huh,” she responded. We fell into a silence all the way through the forest. The trees were thick, roots and plants covered the floor, and bugs were everywhere. I smacked one off of my arm while simultaneously tripping over a root and managing to just barely keep myself up.

Awhile later, I could actually see outside of the woods. Del and I jumped a small fence meant to keep people out of the woods and walked over to a small black car in a Walgreens parking lot. She opened the driver’s side door and starting the car before walking around it and checking the bottom side and the surrounding area.

“Get in,” Del spoke for the first time since beginning the walk through the woods. “We need to do some research.” She climbed in the car and buckled up, but I still stood outside, trying to get a clue of where we were.

“I am not going into a car with another stranger.” Refusing, I backed up a step. “I can find my way home from here. Thank you for leading me out.”

“No,” she rolled her eyes “you are getting in the car, and you are going to do what I tell you until this mission is over.”

“You aren’t my mother.” I shot back, but a realization dawned on me. I groaned, walking away from the car and towards the Walgreens, just to have some distance.  “Oh my God, my mother is going to kill me.” They’ve probably called the cops, there must be a search going on. My parents and Fred must be in a panic.

A hand reached my shoulder and I spun around, barely managing to stop myself from knocking Del down in surprise. I tensed, expecting her to swing at me. But instead she spoke.

“Listen you have to come with me. After this mission you get to go home. Alright?”

I had to take a breath before answering, figuring this must be a small mission if they decided to let someone who doesn’t even know what she’s doing participate. “Fine, but I demand my questions be answered.”

“I can’t assure you of that. Now get in the car.” She pushed me towards the vehicle, me rolling my eyes while walking forward and getting into the passenger seat. The only time we spoke was when I had to slink down in my seat to avoid a cop that was passing by, since it was best not to take any chances until we know how a search for me has escalated.

Del pulled into a Best Buy parking lot and got out, heading towards the building. Ignoring the welcome lady, she went straight to the laptops.

“You’re telling me we’re on an important mission and you’re buying a laptop?” I hissed, catching sight of her goal. “I can’t go home, but you can buy a laptop.”

“Shush, it’s for research. I’m not buying anything.” She told me, checking out a wide-screened silver Asus laptop. “Go and distract the workers in this section.”

I shrugged, but went over to a nice looking employee, the only one in this section. “Excuse me sir, but can you tell me what you think you is better: A Kindle or a laptop?” 

“Well, Miss,-“ he went on to give his opinion on the difference, but I wasn’t really listening. Nodding and asking senseless questions seemed to keep him occupied, I even went over and sampled a few Kindles. It took an agonizing twenty minutes and explanations of technological slang I already knew, before I looked at Del.

She finished typing something furiously and looked up, locating me. Nodding and heading for the front of the store, I took that as my cue.

“Thank you so much, but I just realized I left my wallet in the car. I’ll be right back.” Before he could utter a response I turned on my heel and left, meeting Del at the car.

“Did you find what you needed?” I asked

“Yep,” Del said, getting in the driver’s side. “Let’s go.”

The Awkward and Terrifying Explosive Adventures of the Recreaze-Vallia FamilyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat