take the d train...or was it the a

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  Lisa held onto the cold, silver bar of the subway. The rocking motion kept her unsteady. She could only imagine that this was what it was like being on a boat. And yet it was almost comforting. The idea of going wherever the wind blew her. Not having to worry about making life-changing decisions. Just...rocking.

  But she shook her head. She wasn't running away. Not this time. She was running to something and then she'd go back. Kali would understand, she had to. It was something Kali had been saying that started all this after all. About eulogies and the people who never read them. It got Lisa thinking about all the people who left that she'd never see again. Never know what they wanted to be said about them after they passed.

  Or maybe it was really the dreams she'd been having. Daisy. Asking her all these questions. All them boiling down to one that Lisa could never answer, couldn't even think about without wanting to peel all of her scabs open: why?

  Lisa didn't know why. There wasn't a why. It wasn't like that...it was...Lisa didn't know.

  She had to find out. What they wrote on Daisy's grave. What did they say about her. None of them knew. It would all be lies, but still. Maybe then the dreams would stop.

  She was going to tell Kali about it, she was. But then she'd want to come with and she'd make Lisa talk about what she was feeling and...Lisa couldn't handle it. And she didn't know who to ask about how much the fare would cost so she took all the money, hoping for the best.

  She glanced again at the watch Freddie had let her borrow. She was making good time, she should be back way before Kali noticed anything had even happened.

  Then the confusion became clear.

  "Hey, uh, is this going to stop near the Flat Bay Cemetery?" Lisa bent over slightly to ask an older woman. 

  The older woman shook her head, "You should've gone on the C train, honey. You can get off on the next stop and transfer to the F. Then in three stops, you'll get off and take the C."

  Lisa nodded like she understood all of that, even though she already forgot the last two sentences. She said a quick thanks before getting off at the next stop like the lady said. And then she got on the next train she saw coming. Unfortunately, it was the E...

  All this to say, Lisa was now standing on a street corner. Her arms were crossed in her sweater as her breath formed small puffs of cold air. It was already night and she had no idea where she was. She kept looking for a pay phone, but whenever she found one, she realized she had no idea what number to call.

  So she kept walking. 

  "What the hell did I get myself into?" Lisa sighed angrily, sitting on a bus bench to rest.

A/N - I know it's been a long time since I updated and I am really sorry for stopping on such a polarizing cliff-hanger. The truth is, I took some time to think about where I wanted the story to go next. Eventually I realized I had to put myself in Lisa's shoes. She had to go back to her last time in the city in order to fully be present this time.

 But by then, it got harder and harder to try and come back. So I'm here now. I know it's a short one, but I promise to get a longer one out soon and try to get back into regular posting. I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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