kissing and crying

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three months ago,

we were at a park

well i was at a park.

my dad had left again

again, meaning that he would come crawling back to my mother

asking her for money

or even just to "mess around"

and it was all to much

so i ran away.

i sat on the swings

crying into the sleeves of my old sweater

when you came along next to me

i didn't want you to see my tears

but you saw them anyway.

you sat on the swing next to me,

your face was covered with worriedness

so you put your arms around me

told me it was going to be okay

i fell into your embrace

and sobbed into your jacket

how i felt so worthless then

but you made me feel better

a little too better

because next thing i know

your lips were on mine

your soft and lovely lips,

were on my own

it felt like heaven on this cruel earth

but i'll never feel them again

because of what i did.

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