Chapter two

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                                     Hoseok's POV:
I woke up realizing my alarm didn't go off so I checked the time and realized it was 6 in the morning. After trying to go back to sleep (and failing) i just decided to draw and sit at my desk. Not short after a saw a figure out my window so i looked closer and realized it was him. The min haired boy i ditched yesterday. Yoongi. I soon felt the guilt as i saw tears in his eyes but soon got memorized by his perfectly pale. skin his nice built body, he had perfect abs and was just muscular. I wanted to go outside and talk to him but i know I wouldn't be able to concentrate considering he's shirtless.

                           At school nobody's POV:
Hoseok and his group of friends were laughing about what happened yesterday, everyone except for hobi. He's never done this to anyone and after seeing how he was this morning he felt bad. "HOSEOK?" He suddenly heard realizing he zoned out, "yeah?" "Look there he is" taehyung snickered while pointing at him. Hoseok saw yoongi walking with his head down and holding some things, hoseoks eyes just followed him as he walked by yoongi never once looked up and quickened his pace once he was nesr the boys.

                               At lunch hoseok POV:
It was lunch time and i was just sitting there talking to my friends laughing about random nothings when i saw a special mint hair in the croud. I watched were he was going snd realized he was sitting alone and wasn't even eating. I felt bad was i the reason for this? Should i go up to him? Then i just decided to ignore it.

                                   At home:
Hoseok got home and decided he will make cookies for yoongi and apologize. So he took a shower, ate dinner, made the cookies, and now there he was, outside yoongi's door. A beautiful women with brown hair and a face almost identical to yoongi opened the door. You could tell it was his mom. "Hello hoseok! Long time no see?" She came over for dinner but i never saw her face "haha yeah.. uhm is yoongi home?" "Yeah i'll call him down" "YOONGS!!" She yelled while i snickered at the cute nickname. I saw yoongi stop in the middle of the haul but he still couldn't see me "Hoseok is here! Why don't you two go up to your room while i make dinner." You could see yoongi's face go numb "sure, come on hoseok." I walked in and went to his room then we both sat on his bed, it was a awkward silence until i spoke up "hey i'm sorry for what happened i just uhm" "save it." Yoongi said in a raspy tone "o-oh well i made you cookies" hoseok said as he mentally killed himself for stuttering "thanks." Yoongi said while opening the plastic container "have some" he gave the container to me as he turned on a show. I ate some and they were delicious "MMM! These are so good!!" I yelled , yoongi chuckled at the sudden move "aren't you going to eat some they are so good!!" "No im not that hungry" he lied. He hasn't been eating these past few days. He just thinks if he gets skinner maybe people would like him better. Sure he was already thin but he still hated himself.

                                  Yoongi's POV:
Hoseok ate all the cookies "oh uhm.. sorry about that" he giggled and showed his heart smile. I stared at him in awe until he spoke out "its so hot in here yoongs~ how are you wearing a jacket?" Yoongi blushed a bright red "yahh don't call me that" i said but quickly had to make up a lie "oh uhm.. im just cold in here" yoongi lied. Again. He had been cutting a little cause he hated himself but little did he know hoseok knew he was lying he could just tell by yoongi's sudden change of voice but just decided to shrug it off "hey yoongs is it okay if i sleep over.." hoseok said as he flushed a light pink, yoongi decided to fluster him more while also getting revenge for calling him yoongs. "How come you wanna stay? Your going to miss me baby~?" Hoseok blushed and hit yoongi's shoulder "No!! Its just because it getting dark and it's raining and don't call me baby!!" "Whatever you say baby~" yoongi said teasingly "YAHH" hoseok said as he hit me with a pillow. If your wandering what was next we had a pillow fight. I was obviously winning against hoseok but it all sadly came to an end when my mom called us down for dinner. We went downstairs and sat down "yoongi honey are you going to eat? You haven't been eating a lot" i looked up from my plate and looked at my mom then hoseok, my heart broke at the sight of his heart shaped smile disappeared "no im not hungry but hoseok is staying over" i said trying to change the subject "okay that's fine" my mom smiled.
                                  In my room:
"Hey hoseok" i said while looking over at him "hmm" "we should go outside in the rain" hoseok thought about it for a bit and but just decided to say yes to make it up to yoongi, hoseok hated the rain but there they were outside yoongi had no shirt on and hoseok took the only jacket. He felt bad but yoongi forced him to. "Hey hoseok come on it's funnn" yoongi groaned "yoongi no we could get sick!!" Hoseok complained. Yoongi got tired of it and held hoseok's hands and pulled him close to his chest then started dancing "YAHH YOONGI" hoseok yelled as he blushed a deep maroon. After about an hour hoseok had gotten used to it and they were both laughing (finally a sope moment) they went inside when it got dark and dried up "ahh yoongi im kind of tired" "then let's sleep we have school tomorrow anyway" they started falling asleep until yoongi saw hoseok shivering so he wrapped his arms around hoseok's waist and place his head on his shoulder. Hoseok blushed but soon fell asleep because of the warmth


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