Untitled Poem 11

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I don't know if I'm written in code

or if it's just impossible for anyone to know

what I say when I say anything 

(maybe it's just my handwriting,

scrawled like the letters themselves are melting,

sliding, dripping, butter softened in the sun)

but if ever anyone learned to read

my words, hanging in midair like they're waiting to grow,

like seeds buried in air, twisted around my fingers like locks of my hair,

maybe there's someone who could see the shades

of color difference between truth and lie

between do and die, will and won't,

words slipping from my lips, too heavy float

for long, too impatient to wait

for long, they fall,

for too long they spoil in the sun,

spilled loose over hot concrete and boiling up

with vowels drifting to the top

of a syrupy soup of consonants,

and they taste like strawberry chapstick, sticky-smooth,

too heavy to wear for long.

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