5. Action

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They entered the house at the back. Soon after their arrival, Ohm started to punch some things in his phone and waited a little.

"We can go in now!", he said simply, making Fluke wonder about what the man just did, but as the moment was dangerous enough, he brushed away those thoughts and focused on running.

"I need to plug this into the system right there in the security house. Do you see? Over there?", Ohm was holding the pen drive and pointing to a small construction at the side of the main house. It had glass windows from the middle of the walls up and they could see 2 guards inside of it.

"But how?", Fluke asked without realizing a way to put the plan into practice.

"Don't worry about it, love! Just wait right here for me, ok?", Ohm said cupping his chubby cheeks with his hands and pecking the plump lips sweetly.

Fluke was watching the scene but still couldn't believe in his eyes. Ohm entered the room knocking on the front door. When the 2 men tried to react, Ohm was quick enough to punch and kick them several times like those action movies' main characters. There was something about him that…

"Fluke! Fluke!", Ohm called him and the nurse grabbed the huge hand offered to him.

They entered the main house and everything seemed too quiet. Ok, Ohm had used the pen drive Boun gave him and that allowed them to shut down the cameras and the whole security system, but Awut and his men weren't kids to fall for such a cheap trick that easily. Something smelled bad there.

"Ohm, do you think they know we are here?", Fluke whispered.

"That's weird, but let's do our thing and get out of here, ok?", Ohm said and led Fluke through another hallway.

They stopped in front of a door and Ohm grabbed his phone again. After typing something, Fluke heard a click and the door opened automatically. The room was filled with huge bags of white powder and smelled awfully, making Fluke cover his nose.

"It will just take a minute, love!", Ohm said while taking several pics of the place and its content. When he felt satisfied, he held Fluke's hand again and then headed out of the house.

"Wait! Are we done? Is that just that?", Fluke asked in confusion.

"I'm sure he stocked the plane with drugs too, in case he needs to run away. We need to take pics of that too!", Ohm explained when they heard a noise.

In front of the hangar where the private plane was, appeared 5 men. All of them were holding different types of weapons and that sight made Fluke feel a shiver and tighten Ohm's hand grip.

"Well, well, well! Look who's back again, guys! Our lovely pilot came to pay us a visit! Let's make sure it will be unforgettable!", it was Kittisak, the head chief of Awut's security, who was greeting them.

"That's so nice of you, Kittisak! I'll have to give you the gift I've brought you then!", Ohm said but then turned quickly to Fluke's direction and kissed him deeply. "Please hide and stay safe, love!", Ohm whispered and then left in the heavily armed group's direction.

Fluke was hidden behind a tree and couldn't watch everything perfectly since it was a no moonlight night, but he could see the sparkles of bullets being shot and the noises from punches and kicks. His heart was beating loudly and he didn't notice when the fight was over, getting surprised by Ohm's hand on his shoulder all of a sudden.

"Let's go, love!", he grabbed the tiny hand.

"Wait, Ohm!"

Fluke felt his body shaking and his stomach was revolving against itself. The nurse wanted to ask Ohm so many things, but he was distracted by a spot of blood in Ohm's face. His professional instinct called and he grabbed a handkerchief in his pocket and wiped the blood.

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