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Harry and Olivia were just sitting in the living room one day watching a film and then suddenly a sex scene came on.

All of a sudden Olivia got all blushy and flushed and harry turned to look at her and realised what had happened.

So he took his arm from around her shoulder and said "Oh baby so you got a little excited from that did you?"

Olivia replied with "Maybe daddy"

And Harry could just spank her right then and there for teasing him. She knows what that word does for his little flunkenbottom little harry junior boy.

Her legs were straddled around his hips and he was carrying her up to their bedroom like she weighed nothing. He dropped her on the mattress and now he was the one straddling her.

"Please daddy" Olivia whined.

"Please what babygirl, what do you want me to do to you?"

"Touch me, just do something" Olivia was now begging to be touched by her daddy.

"Whatever babygirl wants she shall get" Harry had his devilish smirk on his face while he said this making Olivia need him even more.

Harry starts to take off her clothes and just chucked them to a random corner in the room, it's not like they're gonna need them. Olivia starts undressing Harry aswell but when she gets to the zip on his trousers he stops her.

"No, not yet baby" Harry said in his low gruff voice.

"O-Okay daddy" Olivia keened.

Harry starts to kiss up and down on her thighs, leaving marks in some places. He gets closer and closer then he finally stops teasing and starts eating her out.

"Uggghhh daddy" "Mmhhhh keep going"

Olivia couldn't make a sentence from the immense pleasure so she was just uttering out words.

Harry was now sucking and licking her clit and she couldn't get enough. He had kept her panties on as the white lace complimented her skin. And if it had always been a kink of his, well no one has to know.

Harry was eating her pussy like there was no food left in the world and he hadn't eaten for three days.

"Mmm baby you taste so good"


Suddenly something strange happened. Obama walks in and starts shouting at Harry that he's a cheater and that he hates him. And as that is happening Olivia gives birth to Kendall who then kills Olivia. And Louis comes running in with a saucepan and hits Kendall in the head. By this time Obama is crying his eyes out saying that "I'll never find love again!" So Harry and Louis leave Obama to cry there and move to the Bahamas and live the rest of their lives happy and in love.

The end <3

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