Chapter 9

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Ash hobbles down the road, his path following the black liquid that had come from the demon. He adjusts the bag on his shoulders, clutching his aching chest, the pain from his broken ribs hurting like hell.

Why me? he thinks, a question that he seems to ask himself often. What did I do to deserve this? Did I kill babies and rape them? Did I piss on Jesus? DID I PLAN 9/11?!

Not noticing that he'd said the last sentence out loud, Ash continues to limp across the asphalt, his eyes glued to the thin trail of black. The trail eventually leads him to a forest, and it isn't until he's halfway through it that he recognizes his surroundings. Soon after, realization hits him like a train.

"No," he moans, shaking his head in denial. "No, not here!"

Why? Why this fuckin' forest?

His scream echoes throughout the woods, reaching all the way to Mia's body that the demon possesses. Its toes are turned in as she takes slow steps across the forest ground, its teeth unconsciously chewing on the pinkie finger of her metal hand. Its teeth remain bared, her lips pulled back into a wicked grin.

"Oh, Mia," it mutters under its breath, "it's useless. Stop fighting, and let the flames of hell devour you."


The demon stops at the end of the road, the corners of its mouth pulling back further at what it sees: a large open space of gravel, pieces of broken wood caving in on each other. Tilting its head, it makes out the two corpses poking out of the rubble, splotches of red coating the white color.

The friends you killed.

Trapped inside her own head, Mia gasps. The cabin. The demon brought her back here.

Glancing down, the demon sets eyes on exactly what it's looking for. It bends down and lifts it with both hands, running its fingers carefully over the wrinkly texture.

The Necronomicon.

Its fingers twitching, the demon smiles as Mia screams in defiance inside of her mental cage. It giggles, opening the book and flipping through the yellow, wearing pages, every so ofter tracing a finger around the sketches and writings.

Behind it, Ash finds his way to the site of the cabin, standing still a few feet from Mia's body. Spotting a figure standing in front of its ruins, he immediately recognizes it as the demon and starts running as fast as he can towards it, ignoring the fiery pain in his chest. "HEY, SHE-BITCH!"

The demon whips its head towards Ash, hissing at him and clutching the book close to its body. Ash halts before it, cracking a confident grin. "Miss me?!"

With a snarl, it narrows its golden eyes and growls, "You should be gone by now!"

He laughs. "Ha! I'm like a boomerang, I always come the back!"

It shakes his head, glaring at him deeply and reaching inside the pocket of Mia's dress, its fingers closing around the handle of a knife. "You haven't turned yet."

He holds up an empty bottle of holy water, smirking. "I drank six of these bad boys."

The demon mouth curls into a slight frown, then widens into a grin once more. It grips the knife, laughing maniacally.

He calls himself a hero, and yet he's a fool.


"Then it doesn't matter," it says sinisterly, whipping out the knife and twirling it in its fingers. "You can't bring yourself to cut up this demon whore anyway."

Demons (Evil Dead Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora