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Name: Jaclyn & Heidi (They are the same person)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Jaclyn looks: Long brunette hair with blonde highlights, skinny, caucasian skin, brown eyes, black netted gloves, black AVATAR band muscle shirt, dark grey bootcut jeans, black boots, black bandana, and oval lense glasses.

Heidi looks: Long red dyed hair, skinny, icy jade green eyes, black netted gloves, black AVATAR band muscle shirt, dark grey bootcut jeans, black boots, and black bandana.

Date of Birth: Dec. 19th, 2003

Jaclyn Personality: Helpful, shy, distrust of herself. She fights for what is right, and will scold anyone swearing around kids.

Heidi Personality: Insane, very sadistic, and is ambitious. She will get angry at anyone who interrupts her, but will sound casual when not in Attack Mode.

Crush: Raph (Or any turtle)

Friends: April

Jaclyn: Turtles, April, and Casey
Heidi: Bradford, Xever, Karai, and Stockman
Jaclyn: Turtles, April, Vern, and Casey.
Heidi: Bebop and Rocksteady or the other foot members.

Enemies: Depends

- The OC was inspired by my hair getting dyed, and off the story of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
- She happens to be a mother of 3 girls, a 1 year old, 2 year old, and 3 year old.
(Guess what? You may had some facts to the OTHER section if you like! I give you guys permission on THIS OC)

OC part IIWhere stories live. Discover now