chapter two.

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Sapphire Walter.

When I'm angry and murdering someone is not like you know an option, I bake cookies to calm me down
while I chant in my heard that murder is wrong and that orange is not a good color on my skin tone since then baking has been my number one thing to calm my nerves, who pissed me off you ask? My mother.

I'm twenty one and she's talking about marriage, she talking about planning dates and she said worst case scenario that she might arrange a marriage for me, i hope she's fucking joking because I won't date or marry someone that I don't know or even love. I hit the oven to hurry up with the cookies that are baking
"Why can't she disturb Ethan or something". I lash out to my other friend, Ted Gabriel. He has been my best friend since college and my second right hand.

"She's probably worried about your oblivious hatred for the opposite gender and want you to get married so she can have grandchildren sitting on her thighs".

I glare at him as he raises his hand to surrender"She just worried about you and you know that your dad or Ethan will allow you have an arranged marriage".

"True hell Ethan hated the thought of any man close to me, you know what happened when he thought you had feelings for me". I laugh nudging him, his facial expression changes to an emotion I pinpoint.

"Yeah". He laughs"Anyways, Where's your Emily?". Did I mention that Ted has a death wish, he likes to piss Ethan off by trying to flirt with Emily knowing that Ethan doesn't like him as a person and now he's trying to flirt with his girlfriend.

"You know one day he will kill you and I will laugh at you when you land in the hospital without legs, Can you ask me the cookie batter?". I pleaded, he dips his hand and takes a chuck of cookie dough before he passes it to me, hey, it's almost finished.

He looks at me knowing what I'm glaring at him for, I toss some cookie batter in my mouth before I open the oven"God, they smell good". I moan taking them out of the oven as I put the baking pan on the table.

"You don't know how to cook but you makes good cookies, Shit-", he cries out once the cookies burn his hand, patience is not his strongest virtue, he looks at me before he blows some air to his hand to relieve the burning sensation.

"Guess I came at the right time". Emily's voice pushes through as she sits on the counter stool, her eyes shimmer with joy seeing the freshly baked good

"Hey Emily, missed me". Ted pulls through, trying to act as if he was not almost about to cry a few minutes ago, He uses his hand to pat stray hair from his face.

"She will miss you but the only thing is that you will six feet under ground if you don't step away from my girlfriend, Teddy". Ethan sneers, No one calls Teddy his full name except Ethan and he does that when he is pissed and since Ted loves to annoy him all the time.

Ted smirks pushing his arm around his shoulder"Ah,
There's nothing more refreshing and more of a turn on than you threatening to kill me". Ethan scowls, pushes his arm off his shoulders and wraps it around Emily's waist.

"Can we stop with the death threats please, I don't want bloody cookies Ethan". She finally says, Ethan looks at the cookies as if staring at them will make them cooler faster so Emily can have the cookie.cute

"You can have one since I think Ethan's glare made them cool faster, How does it feel making him simp over you?". She smirks carefully taking the cookie from Ethan who was trying to make sure her hands don't end up like Ted's when he tried to take one.

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