Maxine, the Trolger

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Maxine is both a troll and an ogre. There is no denying the fact that Maxine is huge, but in FLUNKED when she is first introduced, she is described as "a short, stocky troll girl". Why? Setting blindness. When Maxine is first introduced in Professor Harlow's class, she was the poor kid who was an easy target for the bully (Jocelyn, and even Harlow). She lacked self-confidence, so she looked smaller than she really was. When Gilly got to know the real her, she gradually started seeming bigger and bigger and the reader got to know her personality until finally, all it took was for her to touch Gilly and Gilly would fall. Trolls and ogres also have similar appearances making it easy for people to get the two confused. Maxine has traits of both, which is why she can be taken as either. The word troll is defined as "a mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance." Can be a giant or a dwarf. Another reason Maxine looked smaller. Some of her traits weighed down her true appearance which made her look smaller at first glance, but the big picture was, well, big.

Now to another question: what are Maxine's parents? I believe Maxine's father is about 50% ogre and 50% troll. Her mother... is complicated. I believe she is predominantly ogre with a little bit of troll in her which is what makes Maxine predominantly an ogre and why she is mostly described as one. This is what we know from Maxine's mothers' appearance: "I try not to stare at her sharp teeth or the warts on her chin". This could come from both a troll heritage and an ogre heritage. I believe she has a handful of troll ancestors, but more ogre ancestors. Now let's talk about Maxine's father. This is the appearance we know: "scratching the horn on his head". Not too much to work with, but it gives more freedom and more wild possibilities! The horn is an ogre trait, according to my research. But we know he is a troll because he fought in the Troll War, which, as I recall, was a war between trolls and goblins, and Maxine is not a goblin. The horn compliments his ogre heritage, while he also lives with the honor of serving the trolls. I believe that one of his parents was 100% troll and the other was 100% ogre. Back to her mother, the reason I think she has troll in her is that Maxine has visual troll traits that she would not have if she was just 25% troll, so she must have more troll in her that she got from her mother. But her mother has to be predominantly ogre because Maxine is predominantly ogre. This leads to the possibility that a mix between troll and ogre is a common thing in Enchantasia which is very possible. Trolls and ogres are very similar mythical creatures and a connection, or combination of the two, is not that far off on a scale of mythical creatures.

So to answer the question: What is Maxine? My answer is: Trolger

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