Harlow is Heath and Raina's mother

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Okay...so...is Jocelyn...Snow, Heath, and Raina's...ex-step-aunt?
...Um...Who actually is...Heath and Raina's mother...?
...Is there a possible chance...Harlow...is...Heath and Raina's...mother?

I'm so confused. Here is my thought process: Little Brier-Rose fell asleep when she was 15 in the Grimm version so I assume FTRS/RAR Rose fell asleep when she was 15 (Okay, but where was Prince Phillip in the Disney movie for ONE HUNDRED YEARS!?). If we are looking at a place where Gilly, Devin, and all their friends were NOT caught in that one-hundred-year sleep, we're looking at Rose being at least fifteen years older than Sasha and all the other kids. There is always the possibility that all the main kids were caught in that sleep, but I don't think so... We know that the sleep happened in Enchantasia and that the spell affected Enchantasia because Alva states that she cursed Rose in the Royal Manor (so that means that Hal, Eva, and every other adult in the story that we can possibly think of was asleep for a hundred years... crazy, right?) and I really don't think all the kids were asleep for one-hundred-years... So anyway, that means the youngest age Rose can be is twenty-seven, but I would think her parents would wait at least a whole year after waking up from a one-hundred-year nap before having another child... Anyway, Rose is the youngest princess (as stated in CHARMED) so Snow has to be older than her.
So I'm guessing Harlow had a rough childhood and she must have had pressure to marry a royal and gain power. So she did. And from that, she got a baby to raise. Princess Snow, of course! So she raised that baby. And I think the minimum age Snow could be right now is twenty-eight (according to my Rose calculations), which means the minimum age she could have been when the twins were born was sixteen. Buuut... Snow's mother was already long dead and her father was already married to Harlow by the time she was sixteen. Any thoughts?.

And whoever Heath and Raina's actual mother was, she didn't do a very good job. Nor did their father, for that matter. It was stated in OUTLAWS that Snow practically raised Heath and Raina herself (proving that she was sixteen or older because I don't see anyone any younger than that trying to raise two babies).
Skipping back over to our other story, Harlow was the stepmother of Snow before the incident (the age of Snow during her story was up to Jen Calonita because in Disney she was 14 but in the original, she was 7 so...). She then became a kingdom-known villain after the incident. And around the time that Heath and Raina were being born from our mystery-mother, Harlow's parents were having a child of their own - who they then abandoned with Harlow and ran off never to be seen again. Is there even just the smallest chance that Harlow was Heath and Raina's mother but ditched them with their sixteen-or-older-year-old sister so she could run off and raise Jocelyn? If I recall...they look alike...Tall, pale, black hair...

But here's one thing that gets me: Where did Harlow and Jocelyn go after the Snow incident? FTRS was celebrating its 5th anniversary in FLUNKED which means it opened when Jocelyn, Heath, Raina, and all the other kids were seven. So...Harlow wanted to be fairest of them all and knew she was having children soon so she tried to kill Snow but that didn't work so she abandoned her children with Snow and ran off as an outlawed villain to raise her abandoned sister for seven years until Flora found her and convinced her to reform?
It is obvious that the kingdom would NOT want to advertise the fact that Harlow is Heath and Raina's mother which is why Snow raised Heath and Raina, their father took off, and Harlow went into hiding with Jocelyn.
There is always the chance that after Harlow took off, the king remarried (again) and THAT is when he had Heath and Raina... And the reality of Harlow being a mother - to Heath and Raina, none other - is a little too much to process. But what other person would abandon their children - royal, at that - and just disappear. Seriously, why would she have left them if she wasn't Harlow? Well, if the king did remarry, he must have a type, because I assume Snow's mother also was tall with pale skin and black hair. But c'mon, it's a little weird that Harlow looks just like Heath and Raina...

Buuut...Harlow was clearly a villain that would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. What convinced her to stay in hiding and not take over Enchantasia (if she would have given it just a little more time, I'm sure she would have)? Was it maybe her little sister that she had to raise? Then that means she went into hiding when Jocelyn was born - when Heath and Raina were born - when she was married to the king. Everything adds up. Umm...?

Now, personalities and skills. Harlow is described to have the looks of a princess - Raina. Her one like mentioned in FLUNKED was beauty - Raina. One of her hobbies mentioned in FLUNKED was fashion - Raina. Her other hobby was fencing and she clearly has a true spirit as the fencing coach - Heath.

If anyone finds any solid proof in the stories that Harlow is in fact NOT Heath and Raina's birthmother, please...let me know...

*stares at a solid wall for the next five hours processing the reality of Jocelyn being Snow's step-aunt and also processing the fact that there is even just the tiniest bit of a chance that Harlow was Heath and Raina's mother*

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