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Insatiable Temptations

By Riya Sarkar

The rain pours down on the couple, heavily. Both of them kept staring at each other with flames of rage in their eyes. No words were needed to fight this battle because actions speak louder than words. 

Sarah opens her mouth to gasp out air as it's difficult for her to breathe with the hard lump of pain formed in her throat and aching betrayal in her heart.

After what seems like forever, she mustered up her sanity to ask the beautifully sculpted man in front of her with sore red eyes, "why did…" she averts her gaze from his intense ones knowing she finally lost the battle once her voice broke down in front of him. "Why did you do that to me?"

Silence settled upon the air, her question did nothing to his demeanor. As if he did nothing wrong on his part.

He remains silent looking straight at her in a platonic stare. This made her more agitated. "Antonio, I'm asking you something. Please for God's sake, tell me. Why would you use me? When you clearly knew my identity and how I'm related to you, why didn't you stop?"

Even then he didn't answer her because in reality he knows he messed up. He knew he messed up the moment he laid his eyes on her. Though at first he didn't know her identity but even when later he was given the revelation, he didn't stop. He couldn't stop the attraction he feels for this fierce woman in front of him. The woman he wanted to hate with all his might, the same woman he now wants to see everyday the first thing in morning.

He steps ahead, while she backs away frowning. He increased his pace, getting angry seeing how she is retracting from him. "Stay back Antonio, stay as far as possible from me." She warns him.

But her warnings were futile as he never stopped which made her sprint out of the moment, the place; just to be away from him. 

But she couldn't. Antonio could read her expression, her body language, her mind and her needs so well, that it scares her just as she is scared now. He caught her waist just in time and not letting her move an inch away from him.

His hot breath fanned on her cold dripping skin as he caught her waist just when she turned to run away. She always does that, running away from problems, ignoring the feelings. He doesn't blame her for this behavior as she has been surviving her whole life depending on herself but not now. She doesn't have to depend on herself anymore as he will take care of her.

Sarah struggles in his hold. She thrashes her elbows into his ribs but that man didn't even whimper a bit in pain. Instead, he pulls her more towards him and wraps his hands around her body to cage within him. "Don't fight this, Sarah." He finally speaks. "Let it be."

"I can't, you have to let me go!" She cries.

"No, never!" He raises his voice in anger, turning her around to face him. He leans on to her sweet cheeks and whispers on her skin softly. "I can't let you go baby, you are everything I have. Don't ruin this Sarah."

She opens her lips to utter her disagreement but her body reacts opposite of what her mind says. For the very first time in her life, she couldn't understand how to get away from this chaos. But some things need clarification, she deserves to know what makes him think this is all okay? "This is already ruined Antonio, you let yourself indulge in this ruinous desire and now it's tainting me too!"

"So what!" He spats at her in anger. One of his greatest weaknesses and this woman is triggering it badly. "You didn't feel tainted when I claimed your virginity, in fact you felt blissfully pleased with the fact that it was me, the first man ever to uncover your layers of beauty. How can one simple thing change all of the time we spent together?"

Her lips trembled, she has to do something before her sanity strikes to slut shame her. "You are asking me to commit a sin?" She shakes her head at him, "you disgust me, Antonio."

Red. Her words made him see red. Gritting his teeth against each other, the grip on her delicate waist gets painfully strong. Her uncomfortable whimper didn't subsidy his anger, rather it intensified his rage making him push her against the tree. The same place where they made love once. "Antonio!" She gasps.

He didn't waste any second to cage her again within his embrace again. "So now I disgust you?" Leaning down to the nape of her neck, he inhales her scent before latching his tongue out to lick her shoulder blade.

Her breath hitches, she knows it's not because of the weather but his skillful tongue making her heart pump rapidly in her chest, "Antonio," the moan escaped her lips before she could stop it.

"Does this disgust you baby?" His left hand catches her breast and fondles with his fingers.

"Please don't." She murmured but they both knew it meant nothing.

"But your body says otherwise, my sweet Sarah." He speaks, on her skin giving her shivers.

He drags his tongue up to her jawline and pulls back to pin his eyes with her closed ones. So beautiful, he always finds her expressions beautiful when he pleases her. The way her eyes roll up to the point of closing it shut. "If loving you is a sin? Then, I'm not afraid of committing it."

That's it! He drops his lips down on hers and sucks hard on the plumped ones.

Sarah, moans at his punishing force. She wanted to enjoy this just like she had enjoyed all these days ago. But now, it gives her a red flag. This is forbidden! Having sexual contact with Antonio is forbidden!

With the thought being clear on her mind she finally opens her eyes and with all her might she pushes him apart from her before swinging her hand to blow a slap on his face.

The sound echoed through the garden. Her palm stings as if it's on fire but what pained her the most was his shocked face. 

Shocked, remorseful, broken; everything is evident on his face but she knows, if she melts her heart again for him; it will be hard for her to get back to her ethics. And her ethics say to leave him alone. Because... "I'm your step sister, Antonio; better treat me the way you should or else…"

"Or else what, Sarah?" He asks without looking, meeting her eyes.

"Or else, I'll stand as the legitimate heir to your company which you love dearly. Trust me the competition won't do any good to you." She says even though she doesn't want to. "Look, I'll go away from your life and then you can live peacefully again the way you wanted." She tries to reason with him but he doesn't react to her words.

A dark chuckle escapes from his lips while he runs his fingers through his wet hair in frustration. "You think I'm afraid of losing my hard work? Maybe weeks ago I would have but you are so wrong Sarah." He steps back shaking his head at her, "I was ready to accept my feelings for you, yes you are my step sister. So what! I was ready to accept that I fell for my step sister so why wouldn't you!" He sighs, "I thought you were brave enough to go against all odds of the world but no… you are a coward. Just like your pathetic father who pathetically used me!" 

"I'm sorry Antonio, I..." She cries but he raises his hand to stop her.

"Leave, my sweet lov…" he restrains himself from saying that to her, "my sweet sister. And never show me your face ever."

Sarah breaks down the moment she ran away from the place to nowhere. She broke someone's heart today but why does she feel the pain?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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