Camp Nightwing

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You're mom came to your room to wake up. It's 6am. She said "Wake up, breakfast and take everything for the camp the bus will be here in an hour". So you stand up, get dressed, shower, eat a few pancakes and take your stuff and walk to the bus station.
When the bus came, you walked inside and sit down next to a girl. She got red hair, freckles and beautiful blue eyes. She was beautiful. And yeah, you were a lesbian but nobody knows that. Your mother is Homophobic so you never told her. You hold out your hand to her and say "Hey. I'm Y/n Davis." She take your hand and answered "Hey Y/n. I'm Ziggy Berman." You thought that Ziggy was a beautiful and pretty badass name.

Timeskip to Camp Nightwing

You get out of the bus, take your stuff and all campers stand right in front of the Camp Nightwing sign. You all get your cabin numbers and go to your cabins. And to your luck, you're sharing a cabin with Ziggy. "Hey. Thank God I don't need to share a cabin with a Sunnyvaler or my sister." she said when you enter the cabin. "Yeah, Sunnyvalers sucks." you answered. You two started laughing. The next few days you just did a few activities and become really close friends. A week later you both were in you're cabin and bored. "So, what are we gonna do?" she asked while looking in your eyes. You couldn't handle it but blush a little. You hope she didn't saw that. Can you catch feelings for a girl that you only know for one week? You guess you're falling for her. Wow you have problems. "Uhm idk. Maybe we can go prank Sheila?" You said. Ziggy stand up from her bed and said "You're a genius Davis, but how?" she said. "Mmh maybe we are stealing  something from her." you said. "Ok let's go to her cabin. Her and her "gang" aren't there right now." she said. We walk to her cabin, stole 10$ and run away. But for your "luck" Sheila and the others saw you and now you ran trough the woods. Ziggy grabbed you're hand to push you a bit because you are not that fast. You couldn't handle but you blush. You could swear you saw her blush a little too. But then, Will knocked Ziggy on the ground. "Hey, are you stupid?" you asked while you pushed him and go to Ziggy. "Hey, are you ok?" you asked. "Yes but my nose hurts." "Well, that could be because you're nose bleeds." She laughed a bit. Then Sheila and her minions came and Sheila said "You're gonna hang, witches." They grabbed you and Ziggy and pushed you on the ground right under a big Tree. They hung Ziggy and you on a rope. "Hey, let her down!" you screamed. Sheila came to you and said "Aww, do you want to protect your little girlfriend. You're disgusting." you punched her in her face and she got a nose bleed. "1. She's not my Girlfriend and 2. I guess you and Ziggy are even now." Ziggy grinned very evil and you too. "You know what they did to Sarah Fier. They hung her, right here on this very Tree. But she would have never come back if they did what they always do to witches. They burn her." Sheila said  and is going towards Will. "Give me you're Lighter." She said to Will."What?" "Give me you're Lighter" she said and snitched Will the Lighter out of his hand. She is going towards Ziggy and you screamed "HEY, DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" She just laughed and held the Lighter right under Ziggy's arm. She screamed a bit and said that she should stop. Then Nick and Kurt came. Thank God. Nick screamed "Hey! Let them down!" Will answered "Nick I can explain" "Will let them down I swear I'm gonna tell mom." He answered. Will let you down and now you all stand in a row. You explained everything to Kurt but it was very Chaotic. "Ok shut up. Everyone. So, Ziggy and Y/n stole 10$ from Sheila." Kurt said. "They tried to kill us." Ziggy said and Kurt said "Shut up Berman. That's you're 5th strike that means you're out. Y/n for you it's the 4th one. You can stay, but one more, and you are following Berman." "Kurt, no, it's not their fault, really. They are possessed, by Sarah Fier." Ziggy run towards Sheila but you held her back. Nick then said "We can't throw Ziggy out of the camp. When they asked about the burn, who will be in trouble? I think we should forget that." Kurt thought and then said "Ok, but one more strike Berman and you're out. And for you Davis, exactly the same. One more strike and you're out." Ziggy just laugh and get out of your arms. "Oh, so you get bossed around by a Goode too. Some things never change." she said and storm off. Kurt just turned around and said "I hate that little bitch." you heard that and said "Hey don't call her that." and then you run after her. Kurt just sighed. Nick then started running after you and said "Hey, Nurse Lane should check that." "I hope it infects and I die." Ziggy answered. You just looked sad and said "Don't say that. Please." She looked at you sad and said "Sry." Nick then said "Don't I deserve a thank you?" we just looked at him "For what? For saving two lost Shadyside girls." you said and jokingly folded your arms infront of your breast. Then Ziggy said "Of course, the big Nick Goode, the future police chef and king of Sunnyvale who saved two little Shadysiders. How could we make it up to you? Oh yeah, We blink our eyelashes like the other stupid bitches." Ziggy said and you run of. But Ziggy held her Middle finger up to him and you laughed. We go to Nurse Lane, but she wasn't there. "Nurse Lane. Nurse Lane I'm in trouble again. Nurse Lane I could die any minute now." Ziggy said "You don't do jokes about death." you said. She answered "Sry, mom." and you laughed. You go into her office and saw a diary. You looked at it and there was a witch mark. Then Nurse Lane came behind you and asked you "What are you doing here?" you  jumped and turned around. "Nurse Lane, you scared the shit out of us." you said. Ziggy wanted to make her hair out of her face and lifted her arm with the burn. No joke, she looked hot while she did that. Nurse Lane looked at it and said "Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy. What did we do again?" you just looked at each other and Nurse Lane brought you into another room. She gave Ziggy a very disgusting cream and said she need to do it on her arm once a day for three days. Thats very important. As she wrapped the bandage around Ziggy's arm, she started talking about her daughter, Ruby Lane. She wrapped the bandage so tight it hurt Ziggy. When she came back from her day dream she wrapped it up a little more loosely. Then Cindy, Ziggy's Sister came into the cabin. "Hi Nurse Lane, Hi Y/n. Ziggy." She said and looked at her. You three get out of Nurse Lanes cabin and Cindy said "Ziggy you need to behavior because when you get throw out of the Camp, I will be too. And mom can't look for you and I can't pay college." Ziggy just laughed "Oh so that's funny?" Cindy asked. Ziggy just said "Yes. But do you know if anyone did something bad to Nurse Lane? Said something about her daughter? She seemed very off." Cindy just asked "Ziggy did you even heard what I said?" "Yes." Ziggy answered annoyed. You and Ziggy where outside and talked for a bit. Then you heard Sirens. You looked at each other and ran to where the Sirens came from. It was Nurse Lane. She tried to kill Tommy.

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