Meeting Her.

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Rosalie's POV.

When I walked into the cafeteria and saw the most beautiful human I've ever seen I was in awe. It's strange though I've never felt this way towards any other human in centuries. Why out of all creatures does my mate have to be a human girl? I thought looking straight at her with slight frustration, curiousity, and happiness.

Edward chuckled and gave me a knowing look along with Alice. I glared at both of them from across the table at my seat and resumed to observing my new found mate. Her blood smells stunning. A mix of lavender and roses. The floral scent hitting my nostrils like a bomb.

Strangely enough, her blood is appealing but it doesn't make me want to suck her dry, it makes me feel calm. How peculiar.

Edward gave me a curious look and responded "Her blood gives me the same feeling, unlike Bella's. With Stephanie I feel calm not thirsty." I looked at him in a bit of shock and everyone else seemed to agree, surprisingly enough, even Jasper.

Emmett was too busy smiling to himself and gazing at his mate Jessica Stanley. I didn't like her at first but I realized how much Jessica had changed since her first year of high school and now I don't hate her as much; and I have a feeling Stephie had something to do with it.

Jessica still is too nervous to come up to Emmett and talk to him, and Emmett is the same way. But the other night Alice had a vision that it would change very soon, which made Emmett really happy knowing he will finally talk to his mate soon.

We could all hear Jessica describing us and the last thing we heard her say to Bella is "But seriously Bella, I wouldn't waste your time on him." The extremely pale Swan sister stuttered a bit "I-I wasn't planning on it." But still looked back at Edward.

I glared at her slightly, I have a bad feeling that Bella is going to be a danger magnet. Edward glared back at me and growled lowly. I rolled my eyes and looked back over at Stephanie seeing her give her sister a knowing look, than stare at me with a smile and curious eyes.

My eyes softened and I stared back with the same curious expression, everyone in my family was looking at the three mates with either curious or gentle looks.

~~~~ lunch time over ~~~~

I glided into my next class which was history with Jasper, as I walked into class I spotted Jessica and Stephanie talking and sitting next to each other, in the two desks near the front.

I was happy because Stephie's desk was next to mine that was closer to the window. Jasper sat in the back so he could control his thirst a bit better, but with Stephanie, Im curious to see if he feels anything at all. Jasper gave me one last look as I walked past him and to my chair, sitting down gracefully.

Stephanie looked at me as I sat down and smiled with a small blush forming. I smiled back and got the courage to speak to her. "Hello, my name is Rosalie Hale. You must be Stephanie Swan." I introduced with soft eyes looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

Her blush darkened, the appeal to not suck her dry made me relieved that I could see her blush without being effected greatly.

"Just Steph or Stephie is fine. But yeah that's me. It's nice too meet you Rosalie." She held out her hand to shake mine and I hesitated a bit but offered mine to her, as her hand touched mine she didn't flinch at the cold touch or anything, just shook it with a soft smile.

I felt more curious than anything at this interesting human. Normally any human who touches my hand flinches back at the cold but it seemed as though she wasn't bothered by it.

Out of curiosity, I glanced back at my brother to see if he was tense like he normally is in class. For once, I could see his shoulders were relaxed and a gentle look in his eyes that I haven't seen in a long time.

Our teacher Mr. Banner started class, before I looked away I saw Jessica give Stephie a look and smile knowingly she rolled her eyes jokingly and payed attention, I just stared straight ahead, not really paying attention. Every once in a while I would glance over at Stephie and watch her movements.

The way she would tuck her dark brown hair behind her ears, or whenever she would bite her bottom lip in focus, as she wrote down history notes, her sky blue eyes sweeping through words in the text book, following along as Mr. Banner read through it. I saw her handwriting and thought it was really pretty and legible for a human.

At times I would also glance at my brother in the corner of my eye, and could tell he was focused on Stephie's moods and her blood to stop the frenzy side of him.

Before I knew it class was sadly over, I didn't realize that Stephanie had left with Jessica talking and giggling until I saw them by the door and was just staring in the spot she was last sitting in with a dreaming gaze.

"Finished daydreamin' little lady?" Jasper's Texan accent rang through from beside me and I glared at him. Feeling slightly embarrassed that he caught me in the midst of my thoughts of the stunning human.

I stood up and gathered my unneeded text books, and walked out the door with Jasper behind me.

I was curious and asked my brother "Did you feel thirsty at all during class?" As he walked beside me down the hallway. He furrowed his eyebrows in thought "No. It was the first time in a long time that I didn't feel the need to kill anyone. All I smelt was Stephie, and her moods were very strong but positive so it gave me something else to focus on."

Interesting. I thought I walked to my next class, which was gym. I'm curious as to why she has that effect and if she has that effect on all of us.


Hey my Lovelies!

I'm so so so sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I have been super busy with vet and new job prep stuff, and I've also been working on other stories that really needed updates. Im back though and I hope it was worth it!

Now I'm thinking about possibly having some Bella bashing through out the story and maybe having another human be Edwards real mate but I'm not too sure. What do you guys think would you like that?? Also whose POV do you want me to write for the next chapter? Please let me know!

Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I appreciate all of your guys constant support and love for this book!

As always please read, vote, comment, and favorite this book!

I love you my Darlings!

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