Finally Talking to him.

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💕 Jessica's POV. 💕

         I was walking down the hall with Stephie and asked her about the blonde headed Hale girl, that caught my best friends eyes. "So you and Rosalie?" I asked raising a knowing eyebrow at her. She furrowed her eyebrows and acted dumb "What? I don't know what you mean." I scoffed and rolled my eyes "Come on! It's so clear that you like her! If it helps, I think she likes you too." I stated in a quiet tone so only we could hear.

She gave me a look as we continued walking to my locker. "Jess, sure I think she's stunning as hell and a total beauty but she would never go for someone like me. Plus if you don't remember I literally just saw her, I haven't even talked to her yet." Stephie stated with a slight frown and sighed. I frowned deeply and groaned,

God, I hate it when Stephie puts her self down so much. If it weren't for all the bitches and assholes she had dealt with in the past, she wouldn't be like this to herself.

"Stephie stop it! You are beautiful, confident, sweet, caring, outgoing, smart, funny.. the list goes on! Since when is Stephanie Swan afraid to get what she wants? And don't you dare say 'because of the past!' Just cause some low lives have nothing better to do than pick on you for being gay, and just for being who you are; does not mean you don't deserve to be with the women of your dreams!" I scolded, Stephie smiled widely at me, and opened her mouth to respond but stopped.


I turned to her as we had finally stopped at my locker, "What?" I asked. She just smirked and looked behind me, I turned my head slightly to looked over at what she was seeing and spotted Emmett Cullen walking down the hall, looking at me with a grin.

I blushed and faced Stephie again, "Looks like Emmett is coming to have a little talk.. or flirt sesh who knows." She stated teasingly, nudging my shoulder with hers. My blush deepened and I glared over at her jokingly.

"Why don't you go and stare at Rosalie some more?" I teased back, winking at her now blushing face. Victory. Jessica 1, Stephie 0.

I heard a loud laugh behind me that made me jump and turned fully to see Emmett standing there laughing and now smirking at me. "That was a good one." He commented still chuckling.

Stephie just gave me a knowing look, some amusement appearing in her bright sky blue eyes. "I'm just gonna head to my locker Jess. I will catch up with you after class." She said,

she smiled at Emmett, which he returned the gesture. She walked past Emmett after giving me a smirk, and a reassuring pat on the shoulder when I sent her a glare with my now bright red cheeks.

I glared at her retreating figure as it stalked off to her locker that was in the next hallway. Traitor. I thought with a jokingly bitter attitude.

"Hey Jessica." Emmett greeted with the same smile on his pale yet handsome face. I smiled slightly and shuffled my feet, feeling a bit embarrassed by what just happened. "H-hey Emmett." I stuttered a bit.

"You're pretty funny." He complimented randomly. My blush got a bit darker and I cleared my throat. "Thanks. I try." I stated casually with a shrug. I looked into his now black eyes and gave a small frown huh. Weird his eyes were like a golden color this morning. Now they are a dark black.

I shrugged it off and listened as Emmett spoke "So what class do you have next?" I then turned to open my locker and switch to my afternoon books. He moved so he can stand gently against the locker to my left. I glanced over at him as I out my books in my backpack. "I have English next. Why?" I asked curiously.


He's never actually talked to me before. Granted I never really made the efforts to talk to him because I was being to stubborn, bitchy, and snobby to care, but I've changed a lot now.

"Well I have English too. I was wondering if you would like to walk with me into class?" He asked politely but with a grin. I froze in my position, my backpack in a tight grip in my left hand, and my English books in the other.

After a couple of beats, I finally mustered up an answer. "Y-yeah sure. I don't mind." I flushed deeper than I ever have in my life. I'm sure I looked as red as a strawberry by now. He smiled wider at my answer and had a look of admiration in his now dark eyes.

He moved away from the locker he was leaning on, I noticed there was a very small dent on the spot where his shoulder was leaning. Huh. No one has ever made these lockers dent like that. How did that happen? Weird.

I brushed off my thoughts again and followed him after putting my final book in my bag, and starting to walk with him to our class. "Why did you want to walk me to class?" I asked with curiousity. He shrugged "I guess I just wanted an excuse to talk and get to know you better." He stated nonchalantly.

Internally I was squealing with happiness. My crush wanted to get to know me! Me! Plain, old, boring Jessica Stanley! I can't believe it!

I gave grinned widely, and looked down at my feet for a second to control myself. Calm down Jess. It's just a boy, you've done this plenty of times before. How is this so different?

I took a deep breath and calmed down my excitement before it burst and I would say something embarrassing. "What do you want to know?" I asked raising an eyebrow as we walked side by side to get to the second building where English class was set.


He chuckled and started asking me random questions "What's your favorite color?" I giggled at his random question "Red and Beige." I stated easily. It was his turn to raise an eyebrow and look at me with a weird look. "What?" He shrugged again, "I just never thought Red or Beige, out of all colors was your favorite."

"What's wrong with Red and Beige?" He shook his head slightly, "Nothing. I just figured you were more into pinks and purples than anything else." I scoffed "Why, cause I'm girly?" I asked a tad offended by his assumption over a color.

His eyes widened when he realized what he was doing. "No not at all! Fine. Okay, maybe yes. But I swear I wasn't trying to offend you. I just.." he sighed and looked ahead as we continued out venture to English class, it was quite a bit of a walk to the building so we had a bit more time to talk.

"What?" I asked with more attitude to my tone. Feeling slightly annoyed that we are talking about this. "I'm sorry. I just don't seem to know how to talk to you." He stated sounding sad.

My face softened and I smiled reassuringly "It's okay. I promise. Just start off easy and ask me things that I like without assuming who I am; through my reputation before getting to know the real me." I stated with a soft voice. He smiled again and nodded.

He then resumed to asking me different questions about my likes or dislikes. And I answered them truthfully. We were at the classroom now and he walked me in like a gentlemen and I sat in my regular seat in the front as he sat in the back. The class was staring at us with jealousy and curiousity, probably wondering why Emmett, of all people, was talking with me.

I just shrugged and started lessons as normal. As our teacher started the lesson I felt a stare on my back and glanced behind my brown hair to see Emmett staring at me with gentle eyes. His dark eyes showing what looked like love, admiration, and happiness.

I blushed for the millionth time today and smiled warmly at him.
Boy, am I in trouble.


Hey my lovelies!

Here is another chapter! Hope you guys like it! I did what you guys suggested and made one with Jessica's POV And I really like it! It's fun to get creative with her personality and story. I may do more in her POV.

Also! I still don't know if I'm going to do a bit of Bella bashing in the future and have Edwards mate be someone else (Human or not. You guys can decide that!) I got mixed responses. So please let me know what you think! I would love to hear your inputs so I can finalize the rest of the plots.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter you guys!

As Always please read, vote, comment, and favorite this book.

I love you my Darlings!

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