The Eternal Promise

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"Welcome" I said as I invited my best friend, himeko, inside my house, until I get ready to go to school.

Himiko, Sarasa's best childhood friend, they've been together since they started high school. They faced many trials together and discovered many feeling during their high school years.

The two girls ran to school across the street together as they were late to school.
Huffing and puffing, the two girls had arrived and made it just in time for class.

"Phew that was close we barely made it in time" said Himeko, I replied while I was still trying to catch my breath "it was because you wanted to go to the bathroom", She replied in a very confused manner "yea but I didn't take that long did I" .

As they sat down in their seats. Some boys from the back started to call out my name, and then suddenly as I spun around in my chair to take a look at who was yelling my name, it was actually....
The boy sitting at the very back row and he asked me "hey Sarasa, can I borrow a pen from you, I promise I'll return it to you".

It was him, Kazuma. The boy was from the same school and grade as them, and I had a major one sided love with him for three years and still continues to do so but there is more to this love story than just that.

All of a sudden my friends suddenly started to tease me, they knew my feelings for him and how I was popular with the guys. But I knew I had no chance with him, it was just a stupid dream I've been having since three years ago for no particular reason.

I gave him my pen without a second thought because I couldn't say no to him he's the person I love the most in this world.

At the end of the lesson as I tried to ask him back my pen, he was biting on it so I couldn't really ask it back and he looked too cute. So I left my pen with him without knowing what I had done.

Soon after that very incident a new transfer student joins us, She was cute and her name was Akari. The teacher made us, as in myself and himeko, take care of her and show her around the school, we introduced are classmates to her including Kazuma.

As the days started to pass by Akari and I started to become pretty close friends but not as much as himeko and I were, nothing can come between me and Himeko, we were best of best friends. Soon Akari asked me a question that had made me go pale and made me so numb that I went speechless. "Hey do you think Kazuma is cute, I think I like him, should I ask him out? , do you think he already has a girlfriend?."

I'm done, I think I'm either practically dead or Broken but I had to answer her question one way or the other. My heart had stopped as I tried my best to answer her question, finding out that the new student and a dear friend to me would fall in love with my crush. But how do I answer her , even I myself don't know the answers to those questions I just like him because he's very special, ok I just feel very attracted to him for no particular reason. I know, I know that's not a good reason isn't it but that's all I know for now.

Finally I gave out a sigh and told her about the things I knew about him because I've known him the longest, for three years. Stupid me, eh?

I replied " I'm pretty sure he is single right now but make sure the feeling you're having right now is actually love and not obsession " and I got up and walked away.

My heart started to ache as a I walked away but I had no choice, she seemed quite serious and her eyes, those eyes were the same as mine three years ago when I first met Kazuma, full of love and dreams ready to burst out.

As I walked away I ran into the person I didn't want to see the most right now looking at the circumstances I'm in because of him. I didn't want him to see me like this, tears bursting out of my eyes, I must look terrible. Even my make up is messed up, this is the worst day ever.

He slowly walked up to me and wiped my tears. I was speechless and my heart was still beating so hard. He was so close to me yet so far. He seemed shocked to see the usual cheery me crying, he came close and asked me why I was crying but I had no answer. His eyes were so beautiful and blue with a slight sadness in them.

He then told me "I love you, I always have, since the beginning of high school, I knew you were the one" I was so happy, I burst into tears but as soon as I was about to say "me too".

Akari's words came to my mind " I think I like Kazuma"

I paused for a few seconds and bowed my head down to cover my tears and replied " I'm sorry".

He didn't back away that easily I know he wouldn't. He blocked my only exit and said to me "you know I'm the only one, and I know you love me so why are you rejecting me? Did I do something wrong? I'm the only one that can love you and me alone." And then he replied with his eyes sparkling in the bright sunlight, "I love you, I will make you the happiest woman in the world".

He hugged me so tight, I could barely breathe, I was speechless from what he had just told me with a straight face but I had no choice I gathered up all my courage and replied to him saying "haha your jokes go to far sometimes Kazuma. Where did you get all that confidence from?, what make you think that I would like you?, I would rather go out with someone with better brain than you." He looked so surprised with my attitude, this is the worst day ever.

No, no this is not what I wanted to say, I'm sorry Kazuma, I'm sorry.

He suddenly held my hand tightly that it felt like I'm going to break from being weak but I saw Akari at the corner of my eye. Shocked, I had no choice, I had no other choice, the only thing left for me was to break free from him and I had to do so what ever means necessary, so, I took my other hand and slapped him enough for me to break through his tight grip. He saw my friendship band that I shared with both, himeko and Akari, which showed my loyalty towards both my friends.

Kazuma slowly turned around and started to walk away and Akari came closer

She asked me " what's going on?" And I told her " it was nothing"and "don't give up on him he's a good guy, go on run up to him and tell him how you truly feel, I'm sure he'll definetly understand".

"You think?" she asked me and I nodded back at her.

I watched as she ran up to him and confessed her love to him and he glanced at me it was as if he wanted me to get jealous. Yes, I am jealous but the last thing I want is to be hated by the people that I hold dear. But I had no idea of the grave circumstances I had put everyone into in this supernatural world.

He accepted Akari. And suddenly they hugged right in front of my eyes, I could see Kazuma looking at me with the corner of his eye as he kept holding Akari against his chest. He was definitely trying to piss me off.

My friend himeko came up behind me and told me "you really are too nice, it hurts me to see you like that". She said as she looked up at the expressions in my face. It seemed like I couldn't hide my feelings to anyone anymore.

Everything was back to normal, it felt like nothing happened. The confession, the slap, nothing, no one remembers anything. Akari and Kazuma are the only things that are different, they talk to each other every single minute. I must say I'm annoyed but it was my own fault for being nice, now there is no point being depressed.

Lately Akari seems much more happy, maybe it was the influence of her new boyfriend. But it made me more than happy to see her happy. I had no regrets, maybe a little but I promise with all my life I want let a single soul on earth hurt them. I will definitely protect and always watch over them.

 I will definitely protect and always watch over them

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