Birth of Despair

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It has been a year since my parents divorced, Akari and Kazuma are still dating. My father got remarried to another woman, she was nice but I still couldn't accept all this changes in my life. I still can't even believe that my parents are living separately.

*Phone starts ringing*
"Hold on Himeko, it's my dad, I gotta take this" I said as I answer the phone call from my dad. This phone call was the beginning of everything.

'My step mother is pregnant'

I'm no longer the youngest and I'm no longer my dads priority. He would never treat me the same again. Why are these thoughts haunting me? I can't do this anymore, I have to cut ties with my father. I don't want anyone calling me anything. I don't want anyone to pity me.

I guess I was entering my rebellious stage. I had started to block my father on all of my social media. I can't face any of my friends like this. Without realising it, I had already started to fail most of my subjects, I had lost complete sight of my dreams and goals. Himeko was worried and kept constantly nagging me. My mother started to despise me for existence. Before I knew it I had already given up on everything.

Akari on the other hand tries to talk to me and Himeko about Kazuma and her relationship but I can't be bothered to hear her meaningless crap. I can't help but glare at her. Himeko had noticed my behaviour recently, especially since the phone call. She knows something was up with me and I wasn't in the mood for anything but she wasn't expecting me to do what I was going to do next.

As Akari was talking, I decided to get up and leave the classroom, leaving Akari hanging, Himeko shocked and Kazuma surprised. I had never left a conversation in such a rude way. Everyone knew this, everyone knew something was going on. Himeko ran after me and told me that it was rude but after that she didn't say anything and continued to follow me into the cafeteria.

 Himeko ran after me and told me that it was rude but after that she didn't say anything and continued to follow me into the cafeteria

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The days passed by slowly like riding a Ferris wheel. I felt dead inside each day. Until she came along...


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