Chapter 1

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Ah yes. 1 week into summer and it's already been a blast. Y/N had so many fun plans ahead for their amazing summer. School was stressful during this year, but they finally have the time to relax.
Well until this day. All their plans went downhill

"Y/N! Can you please come downstairs? Your father and I have to give you news!"


"Y/N-? Did you hear me!?"


"Jesus- I don't have all day, let's just tell them face to face."

"Hunny wait-"

The 2 parents walked upstairs to Y/N, hearing the music blast from their computer.
Y/N's father slammed the door opened which startled Y/N to turn off their music.

"H-Hi guys! Sorry if I was playing my music too loud-! I'll lower it down I promise!" Y/N explained quickly.
"Y/N its fi-"
"How many times did I tell you to not play your stupid music too loud?!" their father yelled, walking closer to Y/N.
"Too many times- I'm sorry, I swear it wont happen again!"
"Sweetie, lets not get too tense- We still have to tell them the news.." their mother added.
"Wait, what news? ARE WE GOING ON VACATION TOGETHER?!" gasped Y/N, with a big grin.
"No we aren't, and you know we would never go on vacation with you." their father sneered.

"Ah- So what was the news?"
"Your father and I decided to put you in a camp while we go on our work trip together! I know this is sudden, but-"



"WHAT!?" I yelled out.
Camp!? But that means all the activates I planned was going to go down into the trash-!

"You can't actually be serious, haha- Right?"
"God Y/N, we're serious!! Why would be joking about this?" snarled father while rolling their eyes.
"I'm sorry, but there is NO way I'm going to camp!! What about my friends and you guys?! A-And all my activities planned!?" I argued, pointing fingers at them.
"First of all, do NOT point fingers at us!! And secondly, we didn't want to bring you with us to the trip. You're too much of a troublemaker and make it harder for us to work."
"THAT IS FINAL, Y/N!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" he yelled out.

I looked up at my father's eyes, boiling with anger, and then looked back down and sighed. "Yes father-"
"Good. The bus will be here to pick you up tomorrow morning. Get everything together." he concluded, walking out of the room.

I sat down on my bed with disbelief. Just this morning I was excited to start a new day of my activities. Then the next thing I heard was that I was going to a camp?!

My mother sat down next to me and held my hand. "Hey, don't worry! You'll make new friends and plan much more fun activities! We'll keep in touch, don't worry!"
I sighed again and looked up to her. "Yeah, maybe. Can I have some alone time though? I need to- you know."
"Of course" My Mom answered, walking out the room and closing the door.

I walked towards my computer and started playing my music again, but lower this time.
This is so unfair- How come I can't just stay home alone. I blinked a few times and laughed. I forgot I wasn't even 12 yet. But still.
What's camp even going to be like? Weird kids? Nerd kids? Kids- like me? I shook my head. Yeah right. Like anyone in camp would be like me.
I stood up again and opened my bedroom door and creeped downstairs to eardrop my parents conservation.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? We could drop her off to her friends house and let them stay there!" I heard my mother explained.
"I don't want to hear complaints from their parents, and besides. This camp is a perfect time to calm my head." Father replied.
"But- We're going to leave her there for the whole summer?"

I stopped listening to their conservation and went back to my room, closing my door quietly as possible.
The- whole SUMMER!? I thought this was going to be a 1 month thing since their work trips are usually a month or shorter long.
I walked towards my bed and slammed my head to my pillow.
This isn't going well- I thought this was going to be the best summer, but guess not-
I sighed, then grabbed my phone from my night stand.
||5 New Messages||
I looked at the text messages the group chat was sending and it mostly put a smile on my face.
I replied to the messages and got up again.

I'm going to camp and I can't change that so might as well start packing.
I walked to my closet, grabbed my [F/C] backpack, and placed it on my bed.
I looked around thinking what I needed, but just shrugged.
I grabbed a few pairs of clothes, charger, headphones, and bunch of other stuff I needed.

I placed my backpack next to my door and text my friends if they wanted to hang out. They all replied to meet at the park and I agreed.
I ran downstairs and yelled out, "I'm heading out! I'll be back at 6!"
"Alright! Have fun!" smiled my mother.

I rode my bike to the park and met my friends there to hang out.
We were watching the sunset and we all laughed together.
I'm going to miss this, but I'll keep in touch.

New Camper, New Chaos 『Camp Camp X Reader』Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant