Chapter 3

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My face hit to seat in front of me when the bus held to a stop. I woke up immediately, looking around my surroundings.
Ah yes- N a t u r e- What a beautiful thing- At least tell me this place as good places to stay at-
I grabbed my bag and took out my phone to paused my music. I placed my headphones on my neck and walked down the bus.

"New Kid is here"

Why yes, I am the new kid. And the only one-
I stopped when I got off the bus and look at a tall man who was in front of bus. Along with 3 kids my age, poking him.
"I- uh-" I started.

The trio looked at my direction and the man got up, brushing himself off.
"Uhh- A-Are you good? You kinda um- yeah-" I stuttered as I looked up.
Dang my small self. Compared to me and the man, who I'm guessing is in charge of camp, he is much taller.

"Hello! You must be Y/N! Welcome to Camp Campbell!" Cheered the tall man.
I was speechless! This is the camp my parents signed me up for?!
I stared blankly at the man until my thoughts returned when the bus driver came down next to me.

"Leaving for break. Be back in 20 minutes. Don't do anything to bus." he blankly mumbled, as he walked off.
"This is- where I'm staying? For the rest of my summer?" I managed to say to the man.
"Yep! Camp Campbell holds many activities to enjoy and do! And the name is David!" he replied, with a smile.

I love the energy he holds, but I'm not sure about this place. I look over to the trio, and see them walking over.
"You know what? I just remembered! I forgot something on the bus! I'm just going to go grab it!" I quickly stated while walking backwards into the bus.

I walked to the back of the bus and sat down.
"What the actually heck-? Why is this the camp they sign me up out of all places?!" I whispered, not wanting the people outside of the bus to hear.
I placed my bag on the seat and I sighed.
I was welcomed here by a man who was hit by a bus, and I made such a awkward first impression. Can't make this day go much weirder, Y/N.

"MAX WAIT!! DON'T YOU TAKE THE BUS AGAIN!!" I heard David yell out.
I was confused and looked up from the seat I was sitting to see the trio getting on the bus and closing the door.
"Um- Hi-?" I awkwardly started.
The trio looked my way and the kid with the black floofy hair stepped up and pointed at me. "Do you want to stay at this camp, yes or no?"
"Um- No not really-" I replied, still not knowing what is going on.
"Great! Nikki! Drive this thing!!"
"Eye-Eye Captain!!" Nikki called out, starting the engines.
"H E H?!" I blurted out, walking to trio. "Whats going on?"
"We're getting the hell out of this horrible camp!!"

I couldn't finish my sentence because the teal hair girl, who I'm saying is Nikki started driving away.
I sat down in a seat for my god forsaken safety and was trying to process what the hell is happening.
That is until we crashed into a tree and we all flew backwards a bit.




"I just came up here, David. Don't make come up here again." the police man stated, writing a ticket.
"I know, Sal. Sorry again." David replied, taking the ticket.
I was standing next to the bus, speechless. I didn't want to show it, but that was the most dangerous I did since forever!!
That was awesome!! Besides the crashing part, it was pretty poggers!!

My thoughts stopped as the police car drove away and David turning to us four.
"Why I am terribly disappointed in you three! You could've put our new camper in danger! I think you did!!" stated David.
"Nikki!! I thought you said you would drive it better this time!" snarled Max.

"I just said that so I could drive it again!!" replied Nikki, with a remark.
While the two bickered, I looked at the other kid next to me and we've made eye contact.
"Hello." I started, waving a bit.
"Hi." he replied back.

I turned away, and we had a awkward silence.
This is just fine. Not awkward at all-

"Nikki, Max!! Stop fighting this instant! We've got to head back to the camp!" David finally called out, splitting up the two.
"Whatever, Camp Man." scolded Max.

We all headed back to the camp and I walked a bit behind the trio.
How am I supposed to make friends if I'm so awkward. My god- This would've been easier if I wanted to be here.

We arrived at the camp and the trio went another direction and David started a conversation. "Y/N right?"
I nodded my head in agreement.
"All the tents are full, so you will have a tent by yourself. I hope thats alright."
"Oh yeah, thats totally fine. Can I head there now?"
"Of course! I'll give you a tour after!"

Then he walked away to the other campers.
I started walking towards my tent and some campers saw me.
Please stop staring, this is too intense. Just pleaseee tell me I'm going the right way.
I got up to a tent and opened it to reveal it empty. I sighed in relief as I stepped inside and put my bag on the cot.
I laid down and sighed again.
What a wonderful start, Y/N. You couldn't even try to be friends with one of that trio.
I took my phone out of my bag and looked at my notifications.

||30 New Messages||

Most of my text was my Mom. She was just asking if I got there alright and was worried. I laughed a little as I replied that I got there well. I didn't want to tell her what happened, because she'll just get more worried.
I was gonna reply to my friends till David called out "Everyone to the Mess Hall!!"
I put my phone in my pocket and got out of my tent. I looked around to see everyone going towards a big building, so I just followed.
I kept my head low as I entered the Mess Hall and saw a bunch of loud kids.

"Hey!! New kid!!"
I looked over to noise to see the teal hair girl waving her hand. I took this as an opportunity and walked over.
"H-Hey-" I stuttered.
"So you're Y/N, right? Thats what David said!"
"Y-Yep! Thats me haha- What's you guys names?"
"Well mine is Nikki, the black hair one is Max, and the thats Neil!" Nikki explained, while pointing at each person.
"Well hi to each of you!" I laughed, scratching my neck.

"You gonna stand there or are you going to sit down?" asked Max, more of a direct question.
"Uh yeah I'll sit." I stuttered, sitting down across the trio.
"So what's your story of coming this camp?" started Neil, looking at me.
"Oh- My parents kinda told me that I was going to a camp yesterday. They're busy with work, so I agreed" I explained.

Its fine to lie about a few details, not like they're going to notice.

Nikki was about to say something till David walked into the room with another person.
"Hello Campers! I hope you're ready for dinner! The Quartermaster cooked their famous mashed potatoes!" explained David, with a smile.

All the campers groaned, but still ate the dinner.
When I received the potatoes, I stared at it, not wanting to eat it.
"Its eatable, don't worry."
I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Neil who said that to me.
"Oh ok. Thanks." I answered, taking a scoop.
I put the food in my mouth and shivered with the taste.
Ew- It is eatable, but something I wouldn't want to eat.




We all walked back to our tents and I waved goodbye to the trio.
I stepped into my tent and laid down.
I can't believe it! I made new friends!! This is a great day! Maybe this won't be so bad after all..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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