information about the character (keep in mind i have made somethings up)

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camila: camila and dinah-jane cabello are twins that have resonantly moved to Miami with there parents and little sister sofia cabello. camila love to read and loves to hangout with her twin sister as much as she can. camilas fashion style is like a girly kid type she ALWAYS wheres bows. camila is out to everyone as a lesbian so is her sister who is bisexual. they both use to get teased for being gay at there old school but it never fazed them because they had each other.

lauren: lauren jauregui is from Miami and is a softball player, lauren lives with her parents and younger brother and sister Chris and taylor jauregui and her step sister Beatrice. lauren doesn't count her self as popular she would rather only have her two best friends ally (allycat) brooke hernandez and normani (mani) hamilton, but lauren is well known at school she's known as the captan of the softball team and also the 'hot lesbian' as most of the kids at Miami high call her. laurens fashion style is between girly and rock chick she manly wares dark colour cloths.

ally brooke hernandez: ally is the smallest out of her other two friend lauren and normani, ally lives with her parents and two little sisters ( there twins) Roosevelt (rose) and rosie. ( ally doesn't really have two little twin sisters). ally has been going out with her boyfriend troy for almost 2 years they got to gather when they were 13 (there ally 15 in this story). (dont know how to explan allys fashion style please if anyone now comment)

normani hamilton: normani is best friend with lauren and ally. normani lives with her father her mother left when she was 5. normani is out as a bisexual. normani is IN LOVE with beyonce. her fashion style is a beyonce kinda style.

dinah-jane 'hansen' cabello: dinah is camila's twin sister she's got ALOT of SWAG and is into pranking everyone expressly her two sisters and family. dinahs fashion style is well SWAG!!!. dinah is bisexual.


feel free to comment,vote and like if you enjoy the story.

also comment if you have any feed back or information you would love for me to add in or some ideas.

thanks for reading harmonizers


better together (camren) (norminah)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora