A Year With You

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Oda smiled as he was standing in the kitchen in a blue apron, chopping up vegetables. "Aaah!" Chuuya was banging on his high chair table, and Oda turned around and he smiled. He looked at Chuuya giggling as he had a blackberry in his hand, and berry bits all over his face. Oda kissed his little face and smiled.

"You're such a silly boy." Oda smiled as he gently wiped the berries off his little mouth. Chuuya looked up at Oda happily, and the ginger turned around and put all the vegetables into a pot. Letting them boil along with the soup. Oda started to roll the dough out for the bread bowls, and Chuuya watched him move back and forth curiously. Chuuya watched him for about 5 minutes while sucking on the berry, and then that was when he uttered his first words at 6 months old. "...a...p...Pa...Papa...!!"

Oda turned around bewildered, did he really just...

"Papa...! Pa..! Papa...!" Chuuya said over and over as he reached his little chubby and small hands out to Oda. Oda walked over to Chuuya and he picked up his son out of his high chair and gently kissed his little cheeks. "I'm here baby... yeah that's me... I'm Papa.


Chuuya giggled and grabbed his beard hair. "Ah you really like grabbing Papa's chin hair huh?"

Time was going so quickly. Before Oda knew it Chuuya was walking. "C'mon baby boy. I'm right here."

Oda said standing at the end of the hall and Chuuya was at the other end looking at him. Oda kneeled down smiling. "C'mon, come to Papa."

Chuuya smiled at him showing his now two front bottom teeth that came in.

"C'mon! C'mere!"

Chuuya happily wobbled to Oda, and when he got to Oda he fell into his arms and Oda held him up and clapped. "Yay!! So good baby!" Oda stole so many kisses.

Time always went by so fast it seemed like Oda blinked and Chuuya was one. Today Oda was having a birthday party for Chuuya. He invited everyone from the armed detective agency, and the babysitter. Oda was down right emotional about it. Because Chuuya was his baby, his only baby and once he grew that was it. He just wanted as much time with him like this as possible. Oda felt as Chuuya grabbed his pants leg and he smiled at him now have 4 teeth; two on the bottom, two on top. "Papa!"

"Yes?" Oda said, picking up his sweet little boy.


"Oh?" Oda said, chuckling a bit. "Wow!" Oda said, amazed at the stuffed animal bear that talked. "It seems like Aunt Yosano is spoiling you to bits again, hm?"

Yosano laughed. "Yanno when you started five months ago he became our baby too!" The woman took Chuuya from Oda and the ginger held on to Yosano's shirt; screaming happily.

"I know. You guys took him in and under your wing and I am more than thankful for that. He loves you guys."

"And we love him."

"Aaah finally! We got it working!" Kunikida said. "Come take a look."

Yosano and Oda walked over with Chuuya. Kunikida flipped the switch and the train whistled and started going around the tracks. Chuuya smiled and he started to clap happily. Yosano put Chuuya down and he crawled over to Kunikida and looked at the train as he sat on his lap. Oda smiled, he had lost so much last year. But out of all that tragedy, he gained a son and permanent family, and he couldn't be more grateful and happy. Oda felt like he could truly look forward now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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