Chapter 10

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When Georgia walks into the common room she sees Mattheo on his phone

Georgia: "Hey Theo"

She said as she sits down next to him.
Mattheo: "What's the deal with him"

He says looking at Theodore.

Georgia: "He was my bestfriend in the muggle world, until the incident"
Mattheo: "What incident?"
Georgia: "Just drama"
Mattheo: "You sure"
Georgia: "Yeah"

Georgia got up and walked past Theodore. When Georgia went into her dorm Theodore went up to Mattheo.

Theodore: "You guys are dating"
Mattheo: "Yeah. Look Nott don't think about going anywhere near Georgia"
Theodore: "Like I'm scared of you"
Mattheo: "You should be considering who my father is"
Theodore: "Who is it tell me"
Mattheo: "If you weren't so dumb you would know it's the dark Lord"
Theodore: "So you're a death eater"
Mattheo: "Yeah. Now be quiet before Georgia hears"
Theodore: "I won't tell her, she should find out by herself. You might want to turn around"

When Mattheo looks behind him he sees Georgia.

Mattheo: "Shot, Georgia I'm sorry"

Georgia runs out of the common room with ears in her eyes. She bumps into Draco.

Draco: "Is everything alright"

Georgia kept of running, until she bumped into Harry.

Georgia: "Harry!"
Harry: "What happened"

Georgia was so scared that all she did was shake her head. Harry took her back to the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione: "What happened"
Georgia: "I- I- I- I should've listened to you Harry"
Harry: "What has he done"
Georgia: "He's a death eater"
Harry, Hermione & Ron: "WHAT!?"
Georgia: "I heard him talking to Theodore"

Georgia spent the night in Hermione's dorm.

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