Chapter 22

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After all their appointments.

Theodore: "You look nice"
Georgia: "You look okay"

They both laugh.

Theodore: "You ready?"
Georgia: "Yes"
Theodore: "Well, I got to see if the boys are ready"
Georgia: "And I need to go helps set up"
Georgia goes to the girls.

Hermione: "Wow Georgia,  you look nice"
Georgia: "So do you both"
Hermione: "Harry is so happy he asked Ginny"
Teresa-Maree: "Well it's obvious she likes him as well"
Georgia: "Yeah it is"

Georgia looked down at her phone.

Hermione: "Everything okay"
Georgia: "Um, yes. I be back"

Georgia walks to the astronomy tower.

Mattheo: "Hey"

Georgia turns around.

Georgia: "Hey..."

Mattheo sits down next to Georgia.

Mattheo: "Is everything okay?"
Georgia: "Yes, just things"
Mattheo: "What kind of things, you know you can tell me anything"

Georgia got up and went back to the girls.

Ginny: "Hey Georgia, everything okay?"
Georgia: "Yes"

Dumbledore walks in.

Dumbledore: "Girls, this is Enzo, he will be singing tonight"

Dumbledore walks out.

Georgia: "You got a lot of nerve showing your face her"
Enzo: "Look who's talking"
Georgia: "I swear I will blast your ass"
Enzo: "You wouldn't dare"
Georgia: "Try me"

Teresa-Maree hold her back.

Teresa-Maree: "We don't want a repeat"
Ezno: "A repeat of what?"

Enzo had a smrik on his face.
Georgia: "None of your business"

Georgia Stormed off to Hermione.

Georgia: "Boys are a waste of time"
Hermione: "Totally agree"
Georgia: "Come on Ron isn't that bad"
Hermione: "All he does is goof around"
Georgia: "That's not that bad"
Hermione: "Ok than tell me yours"
Georgia: "Mattheo tried talking to me"
Hermione: "And you said mine isn't that bad. Don't you want to get back with him?"
Georgia: "I don't know, I guess"
Hermione: "It's nearly time"
Georgia: "Bloody hell, it is. I'm going to go and check on Theodore"

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