Chapter 16

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At the train.

Mattheo: "Bye text me when you get there"
Georgia: "I will"

They all hop on the train.

In the train.

Teresa-Maree: "So, is the muggle world weird?"
Georgia: "Well we grew up their so for us it's just different"
Theodore: "Yeah. Oh shit, what is we bump into one of our old friends"
Georgia: "I'd die"
Teresa-Maree: "Why?"
Georgia: "Let's just say when I left, we didn't have the best friendship"

They talked for an hour. Until the train finally stopped.

Georgia: "We're here welcome to the muggle world. Oh yes in front of people don't call it the muggle world"
Teresa-Maree: "Ok"

Georgia was walking and looking down at her phone. Until she bumps into someone.

Georgia: "I'm so sor-"
Lorenzo: "Look who's back"

Theodore and Teresa-Maree come walking to Georgia.

Theodore: "Georgia, what happened? Lorenzo, hey bro"
Lorenzo: "Hey- wait you guys are friends?"
Georgia: "Yeah, so what"
Lorenzo: "Well I thought you would never be friends after the you know what"

Lorenzo looks towards Teresa-Maree.

Lorenzo: "Hey I'm Lorenzo welcome to the muggle world"
Teresa-Maree: "1. I have a boyfriend and 2. how does he know?"
Georgia: "He's a wizard as well"

Georgia said giving him a death stare.

Lorenzo: "Well everyone will be so happy that you're back"
Georgia: "You wouldn't dare"
Lorenzo: "Try me"
Georgia: "Stuff you"

Georgia walked off and Teresa-Maree followed her.

Teresa-Maree: "Who was that?"
Georgia: "His name is Lorenzo and he is a wizard. He and Theodore were and still are best friends"

Georgia looked at Theodore.

Georgia: "Come on Theo, we need to go!"
Theodore: "I'm coming"

They walk into a mall.

Georgia: "Here it is. First we need to go to get food"
Theodore: "Where should we go?"
Georgia: "Starbucks!"
Teresa-Maree: "What's that?"
Georgia: "Trust me it's really good"

They go to Starbuck.

Georgia: "Can we please have two Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino"
Starbucks server: "Anything else?"
Theodore: "And a Mocha Frappuccino"
Georgia: "That's all please"

They all get their Frappuccino's.

Teresa-Maree: "Wow, this is really good why have I never had this"

Georgia and Theodore start laughing.

Georgia: "Ok so let's go to the first shop"
Teresa-Maree: "Okay"
Georgia: "This?"
Teresa-Maree: "No"
Theodore: "Nope"
Teresa-Maree: "This?"
Georgia: "Doesn't match you"
Theodore: "No"

They leave the store and so to the second store.

Teresa-Maree: "Wow, I like this"
Georgia: "Go try it on"

Once Teresa-Maree goes into the change room.

Theodore: "You'll find something"
Georgia: "I hope so. So, who are you going with?"
Theodore: "I might stick with Zabini and not go"
Georgia: "Come on you have to got"
Theodore: "But now I don't have a date"
Georgia: "What do you mean now?"
Theodore: "Don't you remember when we were younger?"
Georgia: "Put your voice down you forgot Teresa-Maree is here"
Theodore: "So what"
Georgia: "If anyone finds out it would be a big problem!"
Theodore: "Okay. So, what happened with Mattheo?"
Georgia: "I forgave him"
Theodore: "You what?!"
Georgia: "Shut up will talk about it later"

Teresa-Maree walked out of the dressing room.

Georgia: "Wow that one looks nice on you"
Theodore: "Yeah"
Georgia: "You should buy it. How do you feel in it?"
Teresa-Maree: "I feel amazing"

Teresa-Maree takes to dress off and buys it. Then they leave the store.

Teresa-Maree: "Georgia, you're left, is there a store you want to go to?"

Georgia looks at Theodore.

Theodore: "No"
Georgia: "Yes"
Theodore: "No"
Georgia: "Yes"
Teresa-Maree: "What's going on?"
Georgia: "Come on"

Georgia says pulling their arms. They arrive at their destination.

Teresa-Maree: "Why are we at this house?"
Georgia: "You'll see"

Georgia unlocks the door and then they walk in.

Georgia: "This is my house"
Teresa-Maree: "Wow in the muggle world you have good houses"
Georgia: "I know"

They walk upstairs.

Georgia: "There it is!"
Teresa-Maree: "Wow"
Georgia: "I know"
Theodore: "She wore this at our formal"
Teresa-Maree: "Did you guys to together?"

Georgia and Theodore look at each other and don't respond.

Georgia: "Now that we got our dresses we should go back to Hogwarts"
Theodore: "I agree with Georgia"

They go to the train station and get on the Hogwarts express. No one talked the whole way home. Until they got off the train.

Mattheo: "Hey how did it go?"
Georgia: "Good"
Teresa-Maree: "We both found the perfect dress"

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