The Begining-Day 1

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Day 1
Hi my name is Zara Lore, I'm 14 years old and I live in Memphis, Tennessee. Today has been strange, the clouds are looking a bit gloomy, stormy and hazy but it doesn't look like a normal storm cloud it looks altered in some way. Mom and Dad asked if I wanted anything to eat since they were going shopping and were going to get food after. I didn't want to go shopping because of the crummy weather and begged Mom and Dad not to go, but, they insisted we needed more food and water but we have a stocked fridge and freezer and we also have a quarter of the basement full of canned food. Mom and dad have always been the prepping type meaning they are always 6 steps ahead in case of something happening, which is stange but helpful all in one. Sometimes I don't see the point of it but then again if a tornado or something else comes through we are going to be alright. The thing that has scared me the most is that Mom and Dad left at 1:47 p.m. it is currently 10:16 p.m. I'm getting really worried about them. My best friend Jackson is getting worried too, but, thats about the storms not Mom and Dad. He hates storms, its his biggest fear. So I invited him over to my house earlier and he said he was coming but he hasn't showed up either and won't answer any of my texts I even texted his twin sister, Jeneveen, and she's not answering me either. Why has everyone been ignoring me or not showing up. Maybe Jeneveen is mad at me for not inviting her over directly but she normally comes along when Jackson is invited and Jeneveen is really sweet and is like the sister I've never had and Jackson is like the brother I've never had they are even the same age as me which is cool so we are sort of like triplets. Our parents call us the there stooges. I'm an only sibling and it gets pretty lonely in the house all by myself. Mom and Dad still haven't let me get a puppy which I've wanted my entire life. Which is why im allowed to invite anyone over. Mom and Dad feel guilty that I don't have any siblings to play with. It's not their fault though they have been infertile for so long and even I wasn't very sure of being born, a lot of problems went on with Mom's pregnancy with me. She had so many little aches and pains and would even have little trickles of blood which scared her and Dad so much. They thought it was going to be a miscarriage but I would fight and fight to stay with Mom and Dad I didn't want to leave the people that sounded like they cared so much for me. I would hear Mom and Dad saying cute little things to me when I was in Mom's tummy.They were just so happy to have me be born as healthy as I am. They were worried I would have a bunch of heath issues but the doctors told them that I was a great fighter and was as healthy as can be. So a few weeks after POP hear I am world try and stop me bet you can't. They were so happy they threw a huge party and all my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and family friends were there. Well thats what Mom and Dad say anyway. I think I'm going to take a long nap while I wait for mom, dad, Jackson and Jeneveen to show up. Oh shoot I almost forgot to check the doors and windows to make sure they are locked. Fhew that was a close one. Alright until they get here I'm napping.

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