Day 2

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9:45 p.m.
It's been a full day without hearing or seeing Mom and Dad or Jeneveen and Jackson. It's so strange Mom and Dad never leave me alone for more than a few hours and now they have been gone for 24 hours and haven't sent me a text or called to tell me what happened. They only went to the store what could have happened. I'm officially getting worried. I hope they come back soon. Jackson and Jeneveen wouldn't just not come without telling me considering they said they were going to be right over they don't live too far only a couple houses down. I don't know what happened to them either because they haven't texted or called either. I've been blowing up their phones all day and neither one of them are answering me.
Well I guess I should figure out what to eat for dinner, maybe I could go downstairs to the basement and get a can of chicken noodle soup or beef ravioli. Well as I started walking down the stairs I heard someone at the front door. I ran upstairs and looked through the eye hole and low and behold it was Jackson and Jeneveen. I let them in and I was so happy I gave them huge hugs.


"Zara I know your confused and so are we, but we need to grab your mattress, blankets, pillows, some kitchen appliances and medical equipment. We have to get to the basement fast." Jackson said in a calm manner while Jeneveen shut and locked the door.

"We can't forget to grab toiletries we are going to be down their for a while." Jeneveen added.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"We will explain after we have everything. Jeneveen get the bathroom supplies and the medical equipment take them down quickly please. Zara please go grab the blankets and pillows and take them down there as well. I will get the microwave and pots and pans. Oh Zara do you have a small camp burner to put the pots and pans on?" Jackson hurriedly said.

"I believe theres already one down there or it might be in one of the cupboards." I had managed to squeaked out while trying to grab all the blankets and pillows and run them down to the basement.

Jeneveen hollered to Jackson. "I've gotten all the toiletries and medical equipment that Zara has in the house and took them down what else do we need."

"We need the mattress down there to sleep on maybe both hers and her parents." Jackson told Jeneveen and me.

"Zara can you help me get your mattress down please?" Jeneveen had sweetly asked.

"Yeah sure, why do we need all this stuff again?" I had questioned.

"It's hard to explain right now since we don't really know but, our parents told us to get over here fast so we can put this stuff in the basement and hide down here." Jeneveen said.

"Oh, that definitely doesn't scare me at all." I respond shaking as we dropped the mattress on the floor.

We eventually got my parents mattress down to the basement as well. Jackson took into his own matter to find some tools and take off the door knob of the basement door and then put it back on but where the key hole is facing us. After he had asked me where the key was so we could lock ourselves down here.

"So guys what do we do now." I ask them.

"Well I don't know since we didn't bring any board games down with so we wouldn't get bored." Jackson laughed.

"We could make some food since we haven't eaten anything yet and I'm starving!" Jeneveen exclaimed.

We all grabbed a can or food and remembered we didn't grab bowls or silverware to eat with. We all make the decision to go up and grab a few more things each. I grabbed the board games, Jeneveen grabbed the silverware leaving Jackson to grab the bowls and he also decided to grab a few plates how nice was that. We all headed back down and put the stuff on the floor and I ran back up and locked us in for however long we have to stay here.

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