Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chloe's Point of View

When I wake up the next morning, it is just like yesterday. Jayden is dabbing a damp towel on my forehead, as well as all over my body.

"More sleep whimpering?" I ask my lover, my dead voice leaving my body.

"Yep." He says, leaning forward for a kiss which I tirelessly give him. "It was worse today. You okay?"

"Yeah." I tell him. "It's weird. I can't remember anything. Was I saying anything?"

"Only many inaudible words." Jayden says, brushing my hand with his fingers. "It stared at six."

"And the time now?"


"PM?" I ask, my eyes growing wide.

Jayden smiles sadly and I know my answer.

I sigh, pissed with myself.

Jayden sees that. "Don't worry, Love. It's alright."

"I've been asleep for over twenty-four hours, Babe." I say. "That's not alright."

"It is and it's not surprising..." Jay tells me. "You're not feeling any better are you?"

"How'd you know?" I ask, sitting up slowly.

"You're upset." My Love says, helping me up. "If you weren't upset, you wouldn't be pissed with yourself that you slept for so long."

"You know me too well." I tell him, giving him a kiss then groaning, falling back.

"Oh Mama..." Jayden says with a laugh, rubbing my chest gently.

I blush at the nickname, still groaning. "It hurts so bad..."

"Let me check them out." Jay says, carefully taking the bandage off my torso and chest.

I hold Jayden's hand as he checks me, keeping my eyes shut. It may be the end of the day, but it feels like early morning. If I tried hard enough, I could fall back asleep.

"Just a little irritated..." Jayden tells me, standing to get the first aid kit. "I'll put a cooling cream, alright?"

I simply nod, waiting for the cooling cream to hit my stitched chest. As Jay works, I put my hand out, wanting to hold his.

"You're very touchy this evening." Jayden says, giving me his hand. "You okay?"

"I just need you right now." I say. "I need your touch."

"Are you-"

"I'm not having sex with you Black if that's where you want this to go."

Jayden laughs. "Alright, Red."

I can't help a smile that forms on my lips. This banter with my boyfriend will always make me smile.

"I need to get up." I say after a moment. "I need fresh air."

"I can bring Mia in and ask her to use her Symbol Power." Jay suggests.

"As fresh as Mia's wind is, I need real air." I say. "I don't do well couped up in the house."

"Oh I know." Jay laughs.

I roll my eyes and begin sitting up once again, humming in pain.


"Let's walk Oakley." I suggest, ignoring my boyfriend's worry. "Where is he?"

Almost as if I called him, Oakley comes running in, hopping onto the bed and into my lap.

I Am The Red Ranger (JAYDEN SHIBA FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now