Chapter Twenty-Three

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Author's Note: I told you this chapter would be special! I won't spoil anything and I'll let you read on, so enjoy this (over) 16,000 word chapter!

Jayden's Point of View

After Chloe gives me the promise ring, we mess around in my room (laughing, chilling, making out...) and fall asleep.

I wake up and immediately notice something is off.

It's Chloe's birthday and I planned to get up really early to prepare. What I notice is off is that Chloe isn't beside me.

My once slightly sleepy demeanour vanishes and I sit up. My eyes grow wide and when I don't see Chloe. I see her Samuraizer however. She must of went to the bathroom?

I look towards the bathroom door and see the light off.

Where can see be?

Deciding to look for her, I throw on a pair of sweatpants and grab her and I's Morphers. I then exit my room.

It's six in the morning. Usually, Chloe would be up but since she's been taking her meds and isn't training, she sleeps in with me.

Chloe has been off training for about three weeks now. Three weeks ago we went to the dinner with my mother and...Jameson. It was about three weeks ago, Chloe competed in her duel against Deker. Her wound on her face, nor he stab wound is healed- they're taking their sweet little time and there is a long ways to go. A few days ago, we asked Ji when Chloe can go back to training and leading sessions, but he only said "Soon". Chloe is a little upset about it, but like she said in the shower yesterday, she loves laying around and being with me.

I leave my quarters and move to Chloe's. I get to her room and the door is slightly open.

Chloe always keeps her door closed...

I gently push it open and walk inside.

"Chloe?" I call quietly.

I don't get a response.

I continue looking around her room, making sure nothing is out of place and no one other than Chloe herself was in here.

The closet door is slightly closed. Which is weird because it's open a lot of the time.

I peak inside and find nothing. Everything seems to be untouched.

Shaking my head, I leave Chloe's room, closing the door all the way behind me.

I make my way to the living room, moving into the kitchen. Maybe she's getting some water?

As I walk to the kitchen, Ji is sitting on the couch, sipping some tea. I see him but don't notice him entirely.

"Morning Ji." I say, continuing my walk to the kitchen, not even realizing he is there.

"Good morning Jayden." Ji greets me.

Realization hits me and I walk backwards to the living room, stopping once I stand in front of Ji.

"Good morning?" Ji asks me with a smirk. He knows I am looking for Chloe.

"Where's my girlfriend Ji?" I ask my mentor, ignoring his question.

"On a run." He tells me simply.

I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

Ji laughs. "Sit Jayden."

I walk to the couch and sit beside Ji. He hands me a cup of tea and I nod my head in thanks.

"For Chloe's whole life," Ji begins. "She has always gone on runs on her birthday."

"Is there a reason?" I ask.

I Am The Red Ranger (JAYDEN SHIBA FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now