Reunited at the Olympics

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warnings: none


When he had heard the news about his high school teammates attending the biggest game, the Olympics, he was beyond ecstatic. Old teammates, Hinata and Kageyama, were playing against one another and Sugawara wasn't missing the opportunity to see them play in person once again. Plus, it gave him an excuse to reconnect with friends.

Practically jumping with joy, he made his way into the building, looking to see if he could spot any familiar faces. He waved to a few people he had recognized from training camps and past games, but he still hadn't seen the one face he wanted to see most. Did he have to cancel last minute? Sugawara hoped that wasn't the case. He wanted to see his best friend more than anything, to hear all about what was happening in his life. He wanted to see his face. Did he look any different from the last time they saw each other? The photos he saw online were old, Daichi not being the type to get on social media daily. Maybe he grew a beard? He couldn't imagine his friend with one. The thought sorta scared him. Could Daichi even pull one off? His mind was running rampant until he saw him. There next to another one of his older friends, in the middle of a crowd of people, stood Daichi Sawamura. He still looked the same as he did in high school, only slightly more muscular. Asahi Azumane stood next to him, a nervous smile on his face.

Sugawara couldn't contain his excitement, jogging over to the pair with his hand waving above him.

"Hey", he yelled. The two males turned towards the familiar voice and smiled largely at him. When they finally stood face to face with one another Asahi went in for a fist bump that the older male gladly returned, only he tried adding more to it.


His hand moved downwards.




He began to move his hands in a way poor Asahi couldn't make sense of.

"Quit that", he snapped,"We never had any kind of secret home-boy handshake, so quit acting like we did and I just forgot!"

The trio went quiet for a moment before breaking out into a fit of laughter, causing a few harsh stares to be sent their way. Sugawara had missed this.

"It's been a while guys. How have you two been", Sugawara asked the two males as they walked side by side to find their seats.

"Same old same old. Haven't seen much action the past few weeks", Daichi responded. Asahi nodded, indicating his life wasn't seeing much excitement either

"What about you? We don't hear much about your life. Do you enjoy teaching", Daichi asked once they finally reached their seats.

"Yeah, I enjoy it. The kids are great, more mature than us in our high school years", he laughed. The other two joined in.

"I was always mature", Asahi defended himself. Daichi side-eyed him.

"I distinctly recall you trying to run away from me in our third year because, and I quote, am scary when I'm mad", Daichi shot back. Asahi's face burned red and turned away. Sugawara let out a chuckle.

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