Just Friends, Practically Brothers

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warnings: some strong language


When Sugawara woke up the next morning, he was met with a splitting headache and two arms wrapped around his torso. A blush crept up to his cheeks as he realized who it was. He turned towards his friend and poked his cheek.

"Daichi", he whispered. He stirred slightly but didn't show any other signs of awaking.

"Daichi, wake up", Sugawara whispered and poked at his cheek once again. Still nothing.

"Daichi, wake the hell up", the older male finally yelled into his friend's ear. Daichi woke up with a frantic look on his face. His mouth hung open and he searched the room for any signs of trouble. Once he calmed down, he stared at Sugawara — who was still trapped in his arms — and quickly untangled his arms and scooted away to give the other male space.

"Sorry", Daichi mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck, a habit he picked up again since seeing Sugawara. He chuckled nervously and patted Daichi awkwardly on the shoulder.

"It's okay, we were both pretty wasted last night", Sugawara assured him. "I didn't do anything too crazy, right?"

Daichi smirked, "Hm, I don't know. I think dancing on the tables was a little crazy, but I'd expect nothing less from you."

"I did what", Sugawara yelped. His face flushed and his hands immediately went to cover his face.

"Kidding. You were just fine." Sugawara glared at the man sitting beside him and punched him in the arm.

"Glad to see you still have jokes, Mr. Police Officer."


It went quiet once more between the pair. Sugawara stared at his entwined hands while Daichi stared right at him, taking in all his features. Sugawara still looked the same. His hairstyle never changed, he was still the shorter one of the two, and his sense of style was the same. Daichi enjoyed it. It reminded him of high school. Daichi let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry I never kept in contact with you these past few years." Sugawara turned his attention towards his friend.

"How come the phone calls stopped?"

"I needed time to figure things out", was all Daichi could say. He still needed time to figure things out.

"What things?", Sugawara asked the dark-haired male.

"I-I can't tell you", Sugawara let out a snort.

"We're supposed to be best friends. You can tell me anything, I won't judge for it." Daichi shook his head.

"You'd judge me for this. One day I'll tell you and we laugh about it, but not today." Daichi wasn't sure what else he could say. He couldn't lose a friend over his problems.

"We use to tell each other everything, what happened", it was now Sugawara's turn to let out a sigh. Daichi hated keeping this a secret. He wanted more than anything to just say,

"I think I'm in love with you."

Sugawara gasped. Did he just gear that correctly? His imagination must be playing tricks on him. Maybe he was still intoxicated.

"You're what", he finally said. Daichi's eyes went large. He said it out loud? It wasn't in his head?

"Nothing. Just ignore what I said", he told him as he got up from the bed. "I'll call a cab for you so you can get home. I have to go in today."

"Yeah, whatever", Sugawara rolled his eyes. He wasn't going to let this go. He'd ignore it for now. Sleep on it even. This was a conversation for another time.


When Sugawara arrived at his home, his first thought was to hop into a steaming hot shower and rinse away the stress the past few hours had brought him. He stood under the showerhead and allowed the water to cascade down onto his body, his thoughts running wild.

How could his best friend think he was in love with him? How was that even possible? He always assumed Daichi was strictly into females when that's what he constantly chased after all these years. Could two guys even love each other? Yes, they could. Sugawara knew they could. A few high school friends and rivals were in a same-sex relationship and are very happy. Take Oikawa and Iwaizumi for example. Everyone knew they were meant for each other. Once Oikawa came back from Brazil the couple announced they were official. Bokuto and Akaashi were the same too, but Sugawara never gave much thought about himself. He has his fair share of flings in high school with girls. He always assumed he was into women and only women, but could he possibly be into men?

Sugawara thought about the way he felt about Daichi. He thought back to how the two acted when they were in school. How they were inseparable, had their own spot, and the graduation gift he bought for him. Perhaps there were underlying feelings, but what if there weren't? What if they were just really close. Practically brothers, right? That's what it was, wasn't it? He cared for him like a brother. Yeah, that's what it was. Daichi could just be confusing the feelings like Sugawara was. No more, no less. Best friends, basically family. That's all it was.

Hours had passed since the young male had stepped out of the shower. He still could wrap his head around anything he had found out that morning. Perhaps this was a conversation he needed to have with someone who understood. He quickly dialed the number and was pleased to hear the phone ring once before the other male picked up the phone.

"Suga! How are you man", Bokuto yelled in excitement on the other side of the phone. A faint "Be quiet" was heard from Bokuto's end, more than likely Akaashi.

"I'm doing great", Sugawara smiled even though it couldn't be seen, "I actually have something I need to speak to you about. Are you free to talk for a moment?"

"Uh-oh, did I do bad last night? Are you calling to tell me I could've done better", Sugawara could imagine the face Bokuto was making. His bottom lip sticking out from his pouting and eyes watering — even if he wasn't truly upset.

"Of course not, you did amazing last night", Sugawara assured him. "I actually need advice."

It was now or never. Despite Bokuto's childish behaviors, he could be helpful. Bokuto would know what to do in this situation, he's done it before! Yet, why was it so hard for Sugawara to even tell him how he was feeling? It's scary, to say the least. Feelings scattered everywhere, no longer knowing who you really are. All because one person possibly confessed they were in love with him. Not just anyone, but his best friend! If he discovered that he too felt the same way, would he act on it? Maybe it'd stay bottled up inside for a few more years like how it was for Daichi, or maybe Daichi would say he was joking and things would go back to normal. No feelings, no sort of romantic attachment. Just friends, practically brothers.

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