The First Date

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Bokuto and Sugawara had spoken on the phone for over an hour. Every piece of advice given was taken into consideration and helped Sugawara feel slightly better about the position he was in.

"Don't continue to stress over this. You're Suga and Daichi, nothing is going to change that", Bokuto told him.

"But what if this does change that? He dropped this huge bomb on me and then had me leave. What if he didn't mean what he said?"

"He probably was scared to hear what you'd say. No one likes rejection", he let out a chuckle. He did have a point. Perhaps Daichi feared he'd be rejected if he had let him stay any longer. Truthfully, Sugawara still wasn't a hundred percent sure he felt the same. What if he said he loved him as well and then months from now he realized he didn't feel the same way? He would lose the person he felt the closest to.

"Go talk to him. It won't help if you keep how you're feeling bottled up", Bokuto said before hanging up the phone and leaving Sugawara there with his thoughts once more.

Would Daichi agree to meet him in person and speak about this? What if they never spoke again? He couldn't bear the thought of not speaking to him again. Without another thought, he sent Daichi a quick text stating they needed to talk and where he could find him.


Sugawara sat at the familiar place the two had claimed as "their spot" and waited. He never received a message back but he hoped the other male would come. It felt nice being back at the hill. The spot brought back memories of all the nights they sat out there starting up at the stars and hearing Daichi tell the stories of each constellation. The nights after games, or when they'd get in arguments with family members and would meet there to comfort one another.

He had declared he would wait all night for Daichi to show up, but as the hours passed Sugawara started to lose hope.

"He's not going to come", Sugawara whispered to himself as he placed his face in his hands.

"I remember the first night you called me upset because you had gotten into a fight with your mom over something dumb", Daichi said from beside him. Sugawara jumped slightly, startled to hear his voice. "I told you that anytime you asked to meet me here I'd come no matter how late it was, and I keep my word."

The silver-haired male smiled sadly at him.

"I guess I shouldn't have doubted you then." Daichi shook his head at him, a small smile settled on his face.

"I'm hurt that you did", he said jokingly as he placed his hand over his heart in a playful manner.

Now that Daichi was sitting next to him, Sugawara wasn't sure what else to say. How was he to start this conversation that could possibly end a friendship?

"I'm sorry", Daichi began to speak once again. Sugawara was relieved he wasn't the one that had to speak of the situation first. "I shouldn't have said anything this morning."

"You don't have to apologize. It's not like you can take it back now."

Daichi let out a small chuckle," No, I guess I can't."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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