Season 2: Sindotia

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Explanation: Sindotia is the 7th City that joined Alliance. the people there have lots of good trade that profits Alliance armies in supplies.

"Hey, can you explain what is Holder?" Rain asks HD while HD is waiting for Elestial who buys tickets. "It's hard to explain okay?" HD said. "Hey, Elestial! Can you help to explain to Rain again!?" HD calls.

Elestial sits on one of the benches and starts to explains. "When the Minecraft's people divide apart. The strongest in each divided clan is called Holder. Understand?" 

"I can't stay here anymore," Elestial said. "W-Why?" HD asks. "Myth told you. remember?"


A paper flies to the Myth room in Metheora. Myth takes the paper and reads it. 

"Dear Myth       This is Elestial. We are still in Frostbourne. Everything is fine, There is something I need to tell you, I can't use a bird. The Undead are still around. I need to use Enchants. Rain Is a holder. he has the same mark as HD has. I told him to follow us to Golden Angel, I will go back as soon as I can"

Back to normal

"I know, but who will guard me and Rain!?" HD asks. "Your next mission is to go to Golden angel, Myth already sent a Hermits to accompany you, anyway, Golden Angel is most near to Miriana," Elestial said before he leaves.

"Why do you need Grate anyway!?" HD asks. "He'll guide me to Coven,". "Helen! Help me! we can't just stay in open like this!" HD said to Helen, the girl he saved in Taiga before. too late, Elestial is already leave

then, there is only HD, Helen, and Rain there. HD looks back Noticing Rain is gone. "Where the heck is he?" HD starts walking around the dock and looks for Rain while he keeps calling his name. "Rain! Rain! Where are you anyway!?" HD starts panics.

HD enters a book shop. and looks around. "Rain!" HD stops at one of the bookshelves. he sees someone familiar. he is Rush. "Rush is that you!?" HD asks. Rush looks at his friend. "HD! Is that you!?" Rush asks as he hugs his old friend.

"I thought you go to find Sayya," HD asks.

"Indeed. Untill, one of the  Entities come and strikes us all,"

"What!? An entity!? what do you think they're doing?" HD asks.

"Maybe he sent to eliminates us," Rush answers.

"Anyway, where is the new Successor?" HD asks again. 

"Gizan took him and said that he'll take him back to Hyperia,"

"Okay, so... Where do we go now?" Rush asks.

"We'll go to Golden Angel from here. and head straight to Miriana,"

"Okay then! Let's go! Wait, is this..."

"Yeah, The girl from Taiga. Helen, this is Rush, Rush this is Helen,"

Three of them walk to the dock and start looking for the ships that will take them to Golden angel. They finally spot one of the ships. after Rush buys the Tickets three of them get up to the ship and get to the ship's deck and wait.

HD suddenly shouts as he hit the fences. "Oh no! I forgot Rain!" 

"Who's Rain? Your other Girlfriend?" Rush asks. 

"No! He is a man!" "Then?"

"He is a goddamn HOLDER!"

"Why don't you tell me!?"

"Uh... HD? I think I just saw Rain in the previous book store," Helen said. "Why you didn't tell me this before!?" 

"I thought you already know,"

"Rush, stay here and tell the captain to wait. I and Helen will look for Rain,"

Rush nods as HD and Helen leave the boat. they start to asking People about Rain however, no one knows. until they meet someone. a witch from Coven. "Do you see a man? he is wearing a black Iron suit, one of the eyes is different from the other,"

"Like that?" the girl points to Rain who sits on one of the benches. "Oh yeah, thank you! I've been looking for him for hours!"

"*Giggles*, Your welcome, um... can you do me a favor?" she asks

"yeah, what is it?" HD asks back as he told Helen to get Rain and asks him to get to Rush.

"I want to go to Hypixel, can you tell me which ships will take me there?" She asks again

HD looks curious, "Why? I thought you live in Coven, look at your Cape,"

"I am, lived in Coven, before the Netherans attack it,"

HD suddenly remembers Elestial and Grate who heading there and said, "my friend is an elite squad, he is heading to Coven. I think It's gonna become better if you back,"

"Really!? Okay then, I'll go back to Coven! Thanks for the info!" the girl said as she leaves.

HD gets back to the boats where Rush, Helen, and Rain wait for him. "What makes you so long?" Rain asks. "Someone asks me something," HD answers.

4 of them get downstairs and sit on one of the benches. Helen is walking around, and Rain is fallen asleep. "Why do you think Myth sent us to Golden Angel?" 

"I don't know. but, whatever the reason is. It must be for we save," HD said. 

"Excuse me, can you share your seat with us?" a Guy asks as he lifts a girl on his back. 

"Night!?" Both HD and Rush said.

"HD!? Rush!? what are you doing here?" Night said as he puts Vania on the benches. 

"That is our question," HD said as he moved and gives Night some space to seat.

"I want to take Vania to Miriana, she is injured," Night said. he looks very worried.

"Dude, he just fainted because of tired!" Rush said after he checks Vania's Condition.

"I know! alright! I just worried! alright!?" Night said.


"Guys! You won't believe who I just meet! look!" Helen said as he points someone on the Ships back. "No way!"

"Is that... Bdubs?"

There we go! New chapter! sorry for not uploading for a while! I am busy with school!

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