First Season: Mysterious Ships

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[Far Plains, Metheora, one of 12 Capital of Mediavalist]

A Giant kingdom, lay on the fair plains, Grassland Extend across the view, Adorned with Sheeps who feed on the grassland. The kingdom protected by a giant wall made of Spruce log and strength with Stone bricks. The wall extends around the kingdom, protecting it from danger of Outside world.

Metheora is a Kingdom full of kind-hearted people, the gates are open-handed for everyone who needs Logistic. they share protection for those who need, and aid those who harmed. Even after [SERVER WAR]. The Mediavalist seem to not keep living in burden and look upon a better future. The Kingdom seperated into 3 sections; [WALL], [Civilians], and [CASTLE]. The Nobles are allowed to live inside the castle, while Civilians are allowed to enter for trades, farming, and rest.

[Basic Explanation]: Server war, is the name of the First war happened between the [9 Noble Clans] of Minecraft. The cause of the war was Berserker action, declaring war against Survivalist and Builders.

A young Noble are running on top of the roof of [Civilians] territory. running away from someone who chased him, he travels from roof to another with wooden bridge coming from his hand palm'. He looks back, making sure the chaser had stop, only to get freeze when a Katana Landed on front of him. "Ahh!! What the-".

He spots the chaser had found him, so he jumps and run again. He creates a tower from wooden and climbs it. Another chaser appeared, pointing his spear towards the noble. The one who holds katana laugh, "Young Master, have you appeared to growth some boldness? It seems my Sword throw shocked you back there," The brown-haired boy with katana said.

"Well, I haven't trained in a while, it's obvious, isn't it?" The Noble said.

"HD, don't scare young master, even if he can't defend himself using Items, have you ever built something bigger than a Pillar?" The Spear wielder said. Teasing the assassin.

HD, the assassin, replied "If you can say something better, keep your mouth shut," An Arrow land directly in front of HD's eye. HD stares at the figure who seem to have shot the arrow. A boy, younger than him, with short blonde hair, holding a bow. "Talon! I told you don't Interrupt!" HD warns.

Talon, the boy who have shot it, smile and replies, "Hahaha... That's what Bodyguard meant, right? Adorn,"

Another person appears, jumping from above and hit HD and his Spear-friend. "You should've remembered that there are two teams, HD," Adorn declares as he tried to crush HD with his shield. The Noble runaway once more, with Adorn behind him protecting him. "Mel! You should also start to learn swordsmanship, if you run out of block, at least you can defend yourself a little longer," Adorn suggest.

"I'll learn it! Later!" The Noble replies as he keeps running from roof to another.

A figure suddenly appears on top of them, It's HD. He swings his katana, aiming for the Noble's neck, Adorn jumps and deflect the attack using his shield. "Run! I'll stall him here!" Adorn shouts to his master.

The moment Mel, the noble tried to run, the Spearman blocks his path, and swings his spear around, a black sphere covers his body, representing a phantom along with the spear becoming even sharper. Mel cornered, he raises his hand, declaring his loss.

"All right, you got me. next time, both of you guard me," He explains as he kneels.

HD helps him stand as he takes his sword from Adorn's shield. They spot a group of Civilians, gathering around town hall, along with a few guards. Mel seems Interested, as he built a ladder and heading downstair. "Are you intended to check it?" The Spear wielder asks.

"Young Master! There's something you might Want to see!" A Civilian said.

"Rush, Go to Lord Myth, tell him, maybe I am gonna be late, there's something I want to check," Mel said to Rush, the guy with spear.

"Yes, anything else?" Rush asks, sheeting his spear and hang it on his back, prepared to leave.
"That's all,"

"What happened!? Did the guards spotted Berserk in our boundary!?" Mel asks to the Civilians before.

"No! It's our bay! A crewless mysterious ship hit our bay and slaughtered the guards!" Mel and his bodyguard froze, A crewless. Mysterious ship? Hit the bay Directly? and killed the guards? Mel looks at his bodyguard and walked up to the crowded civilians. "Lead me there, I'll investigate it,"


They finally arrived at the scene, the bay were in terrible shape, there's almost no buildings left, and the water covered with floating materials of the bay itself. Mel watches around, and found an Undead hand, "Excuse me, sir, how come there is an Undead hand here?" The Civilians turned their face towards Mel, and watches the hand closely, "It's from the Undead before," They stated.

"You said the ships were crewless,"

"Indeed, but, around 5 minutes before the ship crushed this place, a group of Drowned emerges from the ocean, and attack the fishermen. Guards were sent to aid us, and that's the moment,"

"A mysterious ship, spotted at the sea horizon, no sail, no crew, and dilapidated,"

"The ship looks lifeless, until it all of sudden speed up and crushed us all,"

"The ship, has limb, it grasps the civilians and killed them," The Fisherman explains, as he took a few of edible fish to his basket.

Mel thinks, what could possibly attract Undead to their town? dead fish? It's not enough to attract them, and the fish is on the bay, not on the water surfaces. Is it Draun Kingdom? The Kingdom of Draun will avoid conflicts with people from the surface of the land as much as possible. Could it be.... Necromancy?

"How many Victims from the attack?" HD Interrupts.

"13 civilians, and 8 guards have died, and 53 civilians are terribly injured," The guard explains as he read the report on his hand.

"I see, any of them turned into [Undead]?"

"No, it's seems the drowned are only attacking and not feeding, sir," The guard adds.-----------------------------------------------------------A fellow mediavalist approaches Mel, and tap his shoulder, "Young Master, Great Lord Myth had summoned you, he wishes for your attendances in the upcoming meeting,".

"What? Didn't Rush tell Lord Myth that I will be late?" Mel asks.

"Indeed Milord, however, It's an urgent meeting, It's about Berserk clan,"

Mel froze, he inhales a fresh air before finally replied, "Very well, I'll be there in 10 minutes,". HD, Talon and Adorn kneel behind him, prepared to leave the port and heading to the Castle.

The 4 arrived at the castle, and quickly heading to the meeting hall, where 2 [MEDIAVALORD] has awaits them. fWhip, leader of Steampunk Civilazation of [VLORK], and MythicalSausage, Leader of Far plains of [METHEORA]. both are already waits them on the round table. Myth, a late 20's man with thin beard on his face, he wears a blue robe with golden edge. fWhip, around 25 years old, Orange-ish crested hair, wears a cyan jacket and a brown jean.

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