Chapter 19: Complete Me

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Lemon time. Enjoy, leave me loving reviews to read when I return from Idaho. This took an hour of me being really strung out and motivated. Sorry if there are typos, but at this point, I can't proof read at a hundred percent because I am exhausted, and so are the boys, heh heh. Besides, it's boy sex, so no one really cares how I spell things, am I right or am I right?

Pony shivered as Brooklyn kissed him, pulling him close to run his hands over Pony's skin. His fingertips were smooth and hot, but the heel of his hand was rougher and chilled, making Pony feel every millimeter of flesh pressed as it caressed his. He kissed Brooklyn and found his frame rubbing against Brooklyn's as Brooklyn slipped his tongue into their kiss. His tongue lapped at Pony's and Pony broke the kiss, gasping. Brooklyn let him catch his breath and kissed his neck, brushing his lips to Pony's collarbone.

Pony started when Brooklyn slipped his boxers off and Pony did the same, blushing. He was, small compared to Brooklyn. He started when Brooklyn gripped his thighs and pulled him forward, their chests meeting as Brooklyn slipped Pony's legs over his, his knees resting on the bed as their erections touched. Brooklyn's lean, muscled thighs spread a touch wider and he leaned far over to his pillow, getting a condom and lube. Pony blinked and felt himself harden as Brooklyn unwrapped the condom. Brooklyn noticed his stare. One hand still gripped Pony's thigh and he let his fingers brush Pony's inner thigh.

"Do you want to put it on?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yes." Pony whispered. His flush was delicious and Brooklyn handed it to him, leaning back so the head of his erection brushed Pony's. Pony fumbled a little with unrolling it but saw no condemnation in Brooklyn's gaze. Pony slipped it on, having to hold Brooklyn's erection to even get it near the appropriate destination. Brooklyn stopped breathing as he slipped it on and exhaled slowly as Pony's hands lingered.

"That was the definition of sensual."

"Uh, thank you?" Pony asked. He was flushed since he liked looking at Brooklyn and touching him. God that was wrong.

"Thank you. It's good that you're getting comfortable with liking this entire sex thing. It's not bad to like this you know." Brooklyn said. He eyed Pony with an even stare and Pony nodded.

"You're, big." Pony said. Brooklyn laughed and kissed Pony's cheek.

"All the more reason for you to not give me head. Why waste time trying if you can't handle a banana?" Brooklyn asked, rolling his eyes.

"I probably couldn't handle a damn plantain." Pony muttered.

Brooklyn held him for a moment while he laughed. Pony felt his laughter as their chests brushed together. He felt the scratches he'd made last time on Brooklyn's back. He didn't feel guilty since he knew he hadn't actually hurt Brooklyn. He wanted to make more. He knew Brooklyn wanted to feel him again too. Without warning, knowing Pony was lost in thoughts as he stroked a healing scratch mark, Brooklyn kissed his nipple. Pony arched and whimpered.

"Can we even have sex like this?" Pony asked, flushing as his erection brushed Brooklyn's chest, his knees spread over Brooklyn's thighs. Brooklyn nodded and wrapped his arms low on Pony's waist, shifting up slightly so that Pony could feel his erection brush against his opening. He flushed. "Oh." He felt his knees weaken at the mere thought.

"If it's more comfortable, you can move your legs up so they're around me." Brooklyn said. Pony shook his head. Brooklyn opened the lube and Pony raised his eyebrows.

"It smells, fruity."

"It's strawberry kiwi and edible. Variety is the spice of life, right?" Brooklyn said, smiling. Pony took some on his hand and licked it. He grimaced.

"Not that kind of variety."

Pony flushed as he rubbed the rest on Brooklyn's condom covered erection. Brooklyn kissed him and smiled. He slipped a finger in and Pony slipped his arms around the older man's neck, shutting his eyes. The intrusion was still a painful stretch, like in gym when some girl would pick him as a partner and make him stretch a little too far on that damn mat. Pony felt Brooklyn's finger crook inside him and brush the spot in him that made him whimper. Brooklyn added another finger and the scissoring motion made Pony whimper.

"This position is something like the lotus position, it's named that because we're close enough to be two pedals of a very, special flower. Do you know what the lotus flower means in the Hindu culture?" Brooklyn asked. He kissed Pony's neck, just below his ear and moved to Pony's jawbone. He added the third finger and was getting ready to enter Pony.


"It's a flower that grows out of mud. Its beauty surpasses the most beautiful goddesses and maidens because the pedals expand and reveal the deep," Brooklyn gasped as he slipped the head of his erection in Pony. "inner soul of the flower, which is the essence of all the beauty in this world." Pony shuddered and leaned forward against Brooklyn. Brooklyn guided his hips so the thrusts wouldn't hurt as he slid in Pony.

Pony kissed Brooklyn and his tongue rubbed against Brooklyn's and they both broke for air. Pony felt Brooklyn's chest pant against his. They weren't going to last long.

Brooklyn thrust in a few inches and Pony moaned. Pony's nails made soft red marks on Brooklyn's back as the shallow thrusts prepared him for more. Brooklyn hit his pleasure spot and Pony's grip intensified, leaving a deeper scratch. Brooklyn moaned and was surprised at his own response to pain and being claimed. Pony shuddered and let his head roll back as Brooklyn's thrusts went deeper and faster. Brooklyn kissed his throat, sucking on his Adams apple. Pony gasped between thrusts, softened grunts letting Brooklyn know that he was feeling some intense physical sensations. His moans and desperate scratches and pleas let Brooklyn know that they were good sensations.

"So, what does the lotus flower mean to you?" Pony stammered out, hoping to distract himself from the fact that he was going to explode. He didn't want to cum yet, Brooklyn hadn't even touched his erection yet.

"It means that I want to be close enough to see every drop of sweat, every wince," Brooklyn's thrusts became faster, desperate and Pony felt his strong hand wrap around his erection and stroke. "every single inch of you, because I want to complete you like the last pedal of a flower."

Brooklyn's words and strokes made Pony scream and arch into him as he came, his hot seed spilling on Brooklyn's stomach and the intense heat making Brooklyn throw his head back and moan. Brooklyn came a few seconds after, thrusting deep into Pony's spasming, tightened passage. They folded against each other, unwilling and unable to move apart, fitting to each other's frames like an un blooming flower, closed pedals huddled against the night's chilled air.

"How much of that lotus flower stuff was true?" Pony asked. Brooklyn smiled and rested his forehead on Pony's as their breathing slowed.

"All of it."

And yes, the lotus flower stuff is true. Yay! Please please review. Might I add that Brooklyn is such a honey dripper. Gawd, he's so, seductive. Oye.


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