Chapter 36: All I Need

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Sweet Jesus. This fic is hella hella long. I plan on ending it one of these days, so if you reviewers want something outta this ficcie that you haven't got yet, do tell.

But I've still got some surprises in me, I assure you.


Last chapter, Brooklyn dragged his aching self home, brown headed and with a car. He admitted to kissing Jacoby, and having some confusing feelings, but it's safe to say that all is forgiven because both of them neeeeeed to get laid. It's almost painful on this end.

"You should probably get off me now before the gang comes in here to drag you out to your surprise."

"Surprise?" Pony asked. Brooklyn sat up and Pony was already up and blinking.

"Gimme a hand up." Pony extended his hand and helped pull Brooklyn up. "Come on. Outside. You're driving me home."

"I have my license. But your car is at your apartment."

"That's fine."

Brooklyn pushed him out the front door and limped along after him, feeling every breath catch. He leaned on Darry's truck as Pony stared at the crimson car parked in the driveway.

"Is that yours?" Pony asked. The boys were all circling it and making car related comments (you know the type, it eventually devolves into jokes about rotating some hot chicks tires, wink wink, nudge nudge, author is tired and oxygen deprived).

"No." Brooklyn said. Pony looked to him and it got real quiet. Daddy was dancing at Brooklyn's feet. "It's yours."

"Holy shit." Pony said. He couldn't restrain his instinct to jump a little and Brooklyn laughed.

"Yeah. It's a nice car." Brooklyn said, winking at Pony.

"Really? Brooklyn, it had to be really expensive-" Pony began, flushing.

"Naw. Jacoby has connections." Brooklyn winked again and Pony frowned. So did Darry.

"This isn't stolen I hope."

"Of course not Superman. Title is even in the glove box. What kind of a man do you think I am?"

"A loaded one, if it isn't stolen." Steve commented, grinning.

"Are we gonna get a ride or what?" Two Bit asked.

"Yeah. I want to go home and sleep, but you're all free to come over, gather round the car and drool." Brooklyn said.

They ended up piling into two cars with the promise that Steve would get a ride later and headed out. Pony went to fast over a bump and Brooklyn threatened his life, but other than that it was a smooth ride.

Pony held the door open for Brooklyn and he glared. Pony slipped an arm around him to help him walk and felt wetness as his hand slipped under his jacket. He looked to Brooklyn and Brooklyn motioned for him to be quiet about it.

About ten minutes after the gang entered Brooklyn's apartment, the tv was on and everything was normal again. Except that everyone was hugging Brooklyn more than usual and it hinted to the fact that they were afraid of loosing someone again.

Pony noticed that Brooklyn had slipped to the bathroom and followed a few moments later, smiling since Darry was making a cake with "assistance" from Soda and Steve. He knocked softly on the bathroom just off of Brooklyn's bedroom and waited.



"Just a minute."

Pony went in anyway. Brooklyn had stripped off the bandages from his chest and held a bottle of rubbing alcohol in his hand.

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