Chapter 1: Dairy entry and Flashback

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Dear dairy,
I don't really know how my friend convinced me to start writing a dairy but here i am, anyways...
My name is Leliana and well my life is definitely not the best. I live in a village and i'm pretty much the ugliest in this village, because of that i'm called The Ugly Duckling. Clea is the prettiest in this village and also my best friend. Since she is the prettiest she is called The Beautiful Swan. We don't have anything in common but we are still best friends. You might think that i'm delusional but i know for a matter of fact that we are truly best friends, because we've been through many things together and even if we didn't experienced many things together, what would a person that is loved and adored by everyone need from a useless person like me. While being together with Clea i realised that being pretty can somtimes bring you misfortunes, that reminds me of this one time it was a rainy day....


"Hey Leliana i think it's raining." said clea with a worried tone. "Do you think you can go home in this weather?" i asked. "I don't think so..." she said with a pause. I then looked at her with a worried face and she looked back with a smirk. I slowly walked backwards hoping to get out of the living room peacefully, when suddenly Clea jumped on me and shouted " We will be having a pyjama party." Well it's not like i don't like pyjama parties it's just every time we do one we end up staying awake all night. I sighed knowing that i couldn't say no."Fine...but you have to promise me that we won't stay up all night." i said . " No worries we will sleep at 3pm." Said clea with a big smile.I then proceeded to stand up and go to the kitchen. "Soooo can i help?" Clea asked. "Well you can start with preparing a bed for yourself... since i don't want you burning down the kitchen." I said and whispered the last sentence under my breath."Fine, but you have to promise me that you will make my favourite food." she said while pouting."Yea yea just go."We then prepared ourselves for the pyjama party. I took care of the food and she took care of the activities.

20 mins later everything was ready, before we sat down Clea told me that she heard some weird noises in my backyard. I told her that it was just her imagination. We started the pyjama party by playing monopoly in our own way and well the loser had to go out and dance in the rain while singing. In the end i won and clea had to go out, she danced and sang in the rain while i was laughing at her, because she is really bad at it. Normally she would have to stay there for 20mins but, after 10mins she came in horrified and said that she saw a man in his mid 30s with an axe. At first i thought that she was just spouting nonsense, so that she didn't had to stay outside but then i saw a shadow. I walked closer to the window hoping to see it clearly and for some reason Clea held my hand tightly, saying that i shouldn't go further. We then decided to call the police, but the only problem was that it would take 40mins to reach my house. While we were dialing the number, a person came in front of my backyards window. He was banging on the window screaming at us saying that we should let him in." What should we do now?" Clea whispered. "I think we should block the window and hide." I whispered back. But before we could even do something the window was already broken and the first thing that came to my mind was taking Cleas hand and running upstairs to my room. Luckily i acted upon my thoughts, but while doing so we accidently let the house phone fall but at that time it didn't matter. While running up stairs we heard the man saying :
"Clea where are you~ i just want to take you home with me, won't you come~."
When Clea heard this, she told me that it was probably another one of her stalkers and that this isn't the first time that it's happening. We then heard him again:
"If i kill the ugly duckling then will you love me".
Since we were in the middle of running away, i didn't had anytime to feel ashamed. When we reached my room i locked the door and told her to open the window."Why?" Clea whispered to me. Then she thought for a second and realised why i said that.

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