Chapter 2, part 2 : Cookies

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As i heard the name i froze, but i tought that it was just a coincidence, so i acted calm.

"You ok?" She asked.

"I-I'm t-to-totally fine." I answered nervously.

"Oh well, I'll connect my phone to the TV. So can you prepare some popcorn, cause it will take a while." She said.

"Sure." I answered

10mins later. The popcorns were done and Clea already connected her phone to the TV.

"Ok so are you ready to watch it?" Clea asked.

"Yes i am." I answered.

She then pressed play on her phone. The background and actor's looked familiar and the voices were also familiar.

After 5mins i realised what the video was about.

"I just remembered, Ms. Sharon said she needed help with something, so i need to go." I said to Clea nervously.

"There's no need for that I've already helped her with it." She said.

"Oh, i see..... well i think it's late and i want to go to sleep, so why don't we watch it tomorrow?" I asked.

"You usually go to sleep at 12pm and it's currently 19 something pm." She replied.

"Well, i wanted to try going to sleep early for a change." I replied, while thinking of excuses.

"In that case, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you'll have to watch it till the end..... unless you already know how it ends." She said.

".....actually I've heard about the ending somewhere." I said in hopes of her believing me.

"Oh really, then tell me how it ends." Clea said with a bright smile.

"Ok, so it turns out that the one who stole the cookie was.............."

"Come on, tell me, who was it?" She asked excitedly.

"It was the best friend."I answered.

" you ate the cookies." She said with a slightly angry tone.

"yes." I said in a quiet tone.

"Do you regret it?" She asked.

"Not really, cause the cookies were delicous." I answered proudly.

"Ok then, do you know what comes next?" She said with a smile that gave me chills.

"I'm going to get more cookies?" I answered jokingly while being nervous.

"Sure, why not." She replied.

"Wait, really."

"Yes, really. Come to my house at 10am and I'll give you the cookies." She said. With a somewhat scary tone?

"Ok then, I'll be there at exactly 10am, also i thought you were mad at me." I said happil, with a hint of doubt.

"Why would i be? The cookie was meant for both of us in the first place."

"Ok well that's a relief. Anyways i think you ahould go home now before it gets any darker." I said.

"I guess i should get going." She stood up and went to the front door while saying that.

I followed her to the the front door, opened the door for her, waved her goodbye and then closed the door.

Afterwards i took a deep breath of relief, spent the rest of the evening cleaning the house and then taking a bath.

After the bath, i went to the kitchen, ate dinner while watching TV and then i layed on my bed and watched some YouTube.

I fell asleep around 11: 30 - 12pm.


When i woke up at 7pm, i did my usual routine, which was basically : brush my teeth, take a bath and eat breakfast.

I then wasted my time, on stupid and funny videos.

When it was 9 :30 pm, i wore my clothes and made my way to cleas house. On the way to her house, i heard people whispering about me.

A person whispered "she is so ugly, to the point where i want to vomit, but if i do so, i will ruin my look and then I'll look as ugly as her."

Another person whispered " If i were her I would have just stayed at home or covered my face."


A kid whispered " Mommy, why are they insulting her?"

The mother whispered back " because -----------------------------------------------------".

An old man whispered " I really pity her, she was born -------------------- but because ----------------------------- she is suffering."

The more whispers i heard, the faster i walked with my head down.

I reached Clea's house at 9:50 pm. I knocked on her door and waited for a reply. After almost 9mins she opened the door.


Hello it's me the author. I hope you liked the story and i apologies if there were any mistakes. If you have any ideas or thoughts about the story then please let me know in the comments

Word count : 786

Best friends foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن