Chapter 2, part 1 : Cookies

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"Hey Clea, do you remember the cookie event, that happened the other day?" I asked.

"Which one?" She asked.

"The one with the film."

"Oh that cookie event, I was mad but the end was amazing." She said.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it." I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Now I'm interested to know about it." Ms. Sharon said.

"Well it started like this....."


"Hey Leliana." Clea said.

"You need something?" I replied.

"Have you seen or eaten my cookies?"

"Which cookies ? " I asked.

Clea then said "The ones that i putted in your cupboard."

"Oooh those ones." I said in a clueless tone.

"So have you seen them or not? "

"Well no i haven't, but can't you just bake it again? " I asked.

"I guess i could, but it's so frustrating that that i can't find it." She said with a dissapointed face expression.

"If you want i could help you bake a new one."

As i said that she brightened up and i regretted offering my help.

"Sure, you can help me by lending me your kitchen and by washing the dishes that i will use."

Since i felt guilty i decided to help without protesting.

1h later she baked the cookies and i washed the dishes.

Clea then said : " I'm going to get some dark chocolate, so don't eat the cookies. "

I replied " Don't worry i won't eat it. "

"Mhm sure, i believe you. " She said in a sarcastic tone.

As she left, i glanced at the cookies one more time and decided to go and sit in the living room while waiting for Clea to arrive.

1h later she still hasn't came back. I glanced at the cookies again and tought : " Maybe if i eat one and rearrange the cookies order, she won't notice that one is missing.... no i said i wouldn't eat it so i have to wait."

Another hour passed, the thought of eating cookies kept crossing my mind.

2h later. I was becoming impatient.

3h later. I thought to myself " You know what I'll just eat one cookie and rearrange their places, so that it'll look like none were eating. "

I then ate a cookie. It was soo delicious, to the point where i had to eat more, but i decided to drink water so that the taste would dissappear.

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